29 January 2012


We made it through the day with no injuries ( well, besides a big unknown blister on our hand), no real break downs, and only half a nap. I am getting so tired of taking Chuck's little table out every time we show the house that I left it out for the weekend and let him eat in the chair in the den with the side table. He actually did really well and kept all food on the plate. We also only wore one outfit the whole day which is not normal. ( Outfit = whatever we happen to pull out whether it matches or not)

Chuck Chuck getting ready for the summer...

Today we found a DVD with lots of songs. I realized that Chuck's coordination is getting a lot better. He used to not be able to do the whole "wheels on the bus" motion. I love how he does his arms when you sing that part and he gets so into it he kind of gets all out of control.

I keep thinking.... If I can just get through......
Right now, if I can just get through tomorrow..... I have the professional development that I have to do for the entire staff. I really haven't been nervous. It just added something else for me to do ( which I don't need). Now tonight I find out the assistant superintendent that is over our school will be there. Good gracious. I feel like I am not getting a break these days. Here starts another ball of stress. Why in the world does she need to join us? I don't think I have had a sip of alcohol in an extremely long time but I feel the need to chug a bottle right now.

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