28 January 2012

Dinner with Dada

So we had a good day today! Dada is trying to get on a night schedule but everyday this week he has had to be out of the house right in the middle of his sleeping time so he really hasn't gotten much sleep on his days off.

This morning, we found Dada asleep on the couch so I tried to keep Chuck out of the den so Dada could catch some Z's. It is amazing how someone just came and saw the house the day before and I still am having to clean like crazy. Chuck and I were able to do two loads of laundry this morning, make a diaper run, and clean up. At one point, I was folding laundry and Chuck climbed up on the sunroom bed ( the sheet was in the wash) and laid down and watched TV. This child never does anything like that! Usually if he is on a bed or couch he is climbing in the pillows or jumping up and down. He got a giraffe and a horse from CVS so I think he was spending some time snuggling with them. All you can see are his legs buried in the pillows.

We did go to lunch with Dada to the neighborhood diner while people looked at the house. We got there right at 11. We were the only ones there except a table of four older doctors finishing their breakfast. Within 20 minutes, there were 9 families in the restaurant, all with a child between the age of 1-4. My stress level went down each time I saw a family walk in the door. It was so nice for Chuck to be able to be Chuck. Now we know that is where we will be going on Saturdays for lunch when Dada doesn't have work!

The people who looked at the house today called and asked for addition info ( disclosure, structural, etc.). That is two of the three lookers so far requesting additional info. We also drove around the neighborhood because they were still looking by the time we were done eating. We realized we are the only house in the neighborhood for sale besides two run down properties. I know we won't get an offer over the weekend but maybe something will pop up on Monday!

Tonight, I asked Chuck to help me set the table. I asked him to get three plates. He did. I then asked him to get three forks. He did. So we had a nice dinner on plastic toddler plates and plastic forks ( that look real so he won't want to use the heavy stainless steel utensils). I tell you what. Those little plastic plates really help with portion control. I could hardly fit a meal on one of those things but we ate off it anyway because Chuck worked so hard getting them ready.

Now, Chuck yells "Eat, Eat, Eat" when it is time to eat instead of signing. Must run in the family because I think cousin Abby used to do that not to long ago. I think I liked the sign language better. Here is a picture of Chuck and Dada eating dinner together and having a deep discussion.

Chuck Chuck did get new shoes today. I keep worrying about his shoes being too small so I decided that I would just get them measured to see. Sure enough, the boy has been in a 7 and today we bought him an 8 1/2 shoe! He looks like he has boats on his feet but he has been zooming around this house and hasn't taken a spill yet so they must be the right size!

Tomorrow, it will just be the two of us as Dada has to get ready to work tomorrow night. I think we may hit up Bass Pro Shop for a little fishy looking and boat driving. It was a little cool today so I am hoping for a little warmer temps tomorrow.

On Monday, I have to facilitate a Professional Development using the lesson I taught for my observation. Remember how awful I thought it went! I had huge behavior issues that day. Well, apparently I handled it all well because she wants me to reenact the lesson for all the teachers to show them how a lesson should look. Good grief, I think I am ready for this school year to end!

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