27 January 2012

Pictures coming soon

Ok, ok. No pictures here. I promise I will get a picture or a video this weekend! Chuck has been running around singing all night. He has had so much fun because the past 4 days Dada has been home when Chuck got home from school. Tonight be put all his stuffed animals on our bed and had a blast. ( He used to cry if we even took him in our room. Now he is starting to love our bed.)

Last night we spent two hours watching Chuck spread out all his blankets on the floor. He was tucking us in and all his animals into bed and telling us night night. I would love to hear what goes on in the head of this crazy boy. It really has been a pleasant couple of days and Chuck has followed directions quite nicely and we haven't had a tantrum in a whole week!

Today, a person came back a second time to see the house and have a contractor/structural engineer look at the house. Tomorrow, we have another person coming. We are going to take Chuck to lunch (I am not sure why we are subjecting ourselves to this) while they look at the house. Dada is trying to get on a night schedule so we will only get him for a few hours tomorrow and then not at all on Sunday but then after working for two days, he has two weeks of vacation! I may not have vacation, but to have someone help in the afternoon after a long day of work is so exciting!

So be thinking of us tomorrow ( at lunch with Chuck AND the people looking at the house) and maybe we will be hearing some kind of offer soon!

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