03 April 2010

First Video Appearance

We are so very fortunate to be loved by so many!!!! Thank you to Lois and Cary, Becky and Tommy, Trisha and Byron, and Karen and Randy for the camcorder!!! We could not wait to use it and share with all of you the fun we are having with our "itty bitty". Here is our first video!

****If you have gotten this post as an email and you are unable to view the video, go ahead and go to our blog http://theweb18.blogpsot.com to check it out!

02 April 2010

Nine Days Old!

Chuck has been hard at work getting his Z's! Can you believe he is already nine days old! Such a big boy! I think I see a little bulk starting to show up and looking a little bit more like daddy each day.

01 April 2010

Count him in!

Well, Baby Chuck is officially part of the census! I was holding on to our form because I wasn't sure if he would make the April 1st deadline. He in fact did make it on as person #3 in our household!

We also went on our first walk today. I can only make it around the block so it was rather short. Chuck enjoyed it but as soon as he is in the car seat, he is asleep so he enjoyed about 2 minutes of it. It is amazing how much better he fits in his car seat compared to just 4 days ago when we went to the doctor. We actually had to let out the straps!

Chuck has his appointment with the audiologist on Monday. He has done three hearing tests and has only passed with one ear each time. The left ear has passed twice and the right ear, once but they have not passed together. We will go do a suer duper test on Monday. I am a little bit anxious because he has to be well fed and asleep for the test so I will have to plan his feeding perfectly and make sure we have time to make it a long feeding. He then has his two week appointment on Thursday. Busy week for such a little fellow.

When Marmee was here earlier in the week, we bought a few flowers for the pots on the deck. I think I will venture out the weekend to plant them. I am starting to feel a little bit homebound. I realized, today, that my life has completely changed. I can't do the things I would normally go out and do ( and still have almost a week before I can drive). I have to plan feedings around it. All these thoughts made me feel a little claustrophobic especially sitting there looking at Chuck and all he is doing is sleeping all day. It's another waiting game we have entered into. Waiting for him to be on a schedule so we can do things, waiting for him to be big enough to go out, waiting for him to fall asleep so I can get in the shower. So I think getting out in the back and getting those pots planted will be nice. Next week I may try and get out and put some pretty flowers in the front yard. I need a bit of my old life in my new life. I feel like I am just sitting around waiting for the next feeding. I also have some school work I could do. That will make me feel normal again too! You know I can't stop working!

One Week Old!

Chuck is one week old! His cheeks are starting to get a little rounder and he is starting to look a lot like daddy. We had our first swinging escapade today. Unfortunately, we can't actually turn the swing on just yet. Since we are itty bitty, the first speed setting swings us a little too high! I can't imagine how far he would fly if we put it on the 8th setting! For some reason he loves to put that hand above his head while he sleeps! I think I may see a little chub popping up on that arm too! We are going to take our first walk today with daddy so check back with us later!

Don't you wish you could relax like that!

31 March 2010


Charles Lowry Weber aka "Chuck"

I know many of you are probably wondering if my blog works. It still works! I haven't been on the computer in over a week because of certain unforeseen circumstances.....

We had out doctor's appointment on Wednesday the 24th at 10:50. I knew my blood pressure had not gotten any better since bed rest so I knew that we would schedule a date to be induced while we were there. My blood pressure was actually higher than it had been. The doctor checked to see if I was dilated and I was already 2 cm. So she looked at us and said "You are having a baby today!" Luckily with my crazy planning/organization skills, bags/pillow/blankets, etc were already in the car in anticipation that they would not let us leave. We walked over the bridge to the hospital, and checked in.

The doctor broke my water at 1:00 and at 11:30 that night we started pushing and at 11:57 our little miracle arrived and had a lot to say about it! Daddy , Granna Allen, and Marmee Weber were in the delivery room and got to see Chuck make his arrival into the world. What a great team of cheerleaders I had! In the waiting room, Chuck had his two grandaddies, Aunt Koko (Katherine) and his great grandparents waiting and even daddy's best friend Uncle Ben got to drive down for a few hours! There was some delay in letting the waiting room group know that Chuck had arrived because there was so much excitement in the delivery room that we forgot to relay the message that he had made it into the world!

Charles Lowry Weber weighed in at 6 pounds 6 ounces and was 20 inches long! He is a tiny little boy but is filling up a lot of big hearts.

Special shopping trips have been made because we were not prepared for such a tiny baby! When we left the hospital, Chuck weighed 5 pounds 13 ounces and at our 2 day check up he had gained back to 6 pounds 1 ounce. He is a really good eater ( and sleeper). We have had to visit babies r us and invest in some preemie/newborn clothes because the pants where his feet did not make it past the knees and the shirts that had a few extra inches on the arms were just not cutting it! We also had to invest in smaller diapers since he is so scrawny and is lacking any "junk in the trunk". Do they make suspenders for diapers?

Like I said, Chuck is a great eater and sleeper. He is asleep most of time because he is still supposed to be in mommy's tummy. He sleeps most of the day with just a few quick snacks and at night he is quite restless and changes his mind every 30 minutes. He doesn't cry much except during a diaper change. He just likes to let you know things need to change with his little grunts, moans, and wrinkled forehead.

Granna and Bob Bob stayed with us for a few days once we got home from the hospital and made sure we had it under control and that the house stayed clean. Marmee and Poppy then came to relieve them so they could go home and get some rest. Marmee and Poppy are leaving today and Marmee will come back until Sunday. Then Bob Bob and Granna will come back on Monday and stay for a few days while Dr. goes back to work. All these visitors are much appreciated since I am unable to drive ( pain pills + motor vehicles = bad) and don't last very long standing up.

Over all, delivery was great and I owe it all to the Stadol and the epidural ( the Stadol made me blackout during the epidural so that was nice. Looking back on the whole thing, the recovery process has been the worst part of the whole adventure. The most pain etc.

I am doing better each day with my pain, being able to get a few things done around the house, and running errands ( when other people are driving).

So as you can see we are very busy around the house! Just wanted to write a post to update everyone on our little man and let everyone know how we are doing!

Visit us at on The Web ( http://theweb18.blogspot.com) and check back with us frequently for updates on our little Chuck. He turns the big 1 week tonight!!