24 September 2011

18 months

Yep, he is 18 months today and we are still all civil and living under the same roof. Chuck celebrated 18 months with a bang today. From the second he woke up at 5:45, he was crying. Luckily daddy was home because if he wasn't Chuck would be home alone and I would be in a bar drinking or in the bathroom shooting cocaine.

I ran over some big bolt last week so we went to Sams to get my tire fixed. Chuck enjoyed running around Sams. I did not. He wanted to run as fast as he could but we still aren't a perfect runner. I think I aged another 10 years in that store. It took them two hours.... two hours with a 18 month old is not fun. Yes dad was there but we all know there is a little attachment problem so the thought of anyone touching the poor kid while mom is around is crazy. I did try and get a video of him running. Right when I turned on the camera, Chuck decided to stop running and sit down. Unfortunately the cart he tried to sit on was just bars on the side with no flooring in the middle so he took a spill. Somehow I got it on tape. You might have to play the beginning over and over.

After Sams we went to Wellsfest and listened to music. Chuck refused to sit on our blanket and insisted on sitting in his stroller and peeling bark off the tree. Apparently he didn't enjoy the weather as much as we did.

On the way home, Chuck fell asleep even though we tried everything under the sun to keep him awake. When we got home, he refused to take a nap. The crying and fussiness got so intense that we just had to put him in the crib and let him cry for a while. He finally got a little tiny nap.

Tomorrow daddy goes to work. Please pray for the two of us. If tomorrow is going to be anything like today we need several prayers or margaritas. I can totally see how there are housewives out there that become alcoholics. I think my job is the only thing that is keeping me away from the bottle. Fortunately, I don't have time to drink.

We will also need prayers for the month of October. Daddy works every single weekend.... yep, you guessed it. It is just the two of us for the month of October. "Just the two of us, we can make it if we (don't cry)." .... A little change to the words of that song.

Chuck and I may venture to Germanfest tomorrow.... If I am feeling brave and our teething is under control.

19 September 2011


Our new obsession.

18 September 2011

No naps = no fun

Mr. Grumpy has been stationed at our house lately. It all started two weeks ago when Chuck was petting a dog and I thought it was going to snap at him. I pulled him away. He started crying because he wanted to play with the doggie. Ever since then he has been seeking revenge. It has been constant whining in our house. I am about to go crazy. Friday we got home from school and he was just extra whiny. Of course my day was bad ( have I mentioned I hate my students this year) and Chuck just kept going and going. He wanted me to pick him up but wanted to get down all at the same time. Ugh. I just went in the kitchen and sat on the floor and cried. Chuck came in and gave me a hug and laid his head on my shoulder for a good 3 minutes. It was just all too much for me. I composed myself and continued dealing with Chucks whining. Later, he didn't want to go to bed and I just burst out crying while I was rocking him. I think it scared him and made him sad so we were both just rocking and sobbing together. At least we are there for each other! HA.

The little tyke is fighting naps on the weekends. He has been such a good napper up until now. He refused to nap today. In fact, I got his entire nap on tape today. This is how long his nap was today....

Also, Laney drew us a picture. She refers to Chuck screaming. Fortunately, when he is at Granna and Bob Bob's, the screaming is not crying. His screaming when he is in Mobile is more of a explosion of joy. Not sure why we are frowning in the picture. Maybe Laney knows how we have felt lately!