07 April 2011


This was my morning... and all before 6 am ever rolled around..... When Chuck got up (early) this morning, I was not ready. He didn't want to sit in the highchair so I let him play on the floor while I ironed, put my makeup on, and packed the car. Usually he has to be in the same room as I am. This morning, he took it upon himself to go to the kitchen and rearrange the pantry.

Apparently, he can also climb up things. He climbed all the way up this stool ( with a toy in each hand, mind you).

By the time he got to the top, I knew that he would pitch a fit if he had to get down. I decided what the h%ll, a little romp in the sink won't kill anyone. So he played in the water in the sink for a while. ( Did you notice it was dark outside in the pictures? Yup, just reminding you that this was all before 6 am.)
The weekend is ahead. Dr. is working the rest of the weekends. Look like the little guy and I may be in Mobile for Easter so we won't just be sitting around by ourselves. I may venture to Mobile for a little overnight stay this weekend. Who knows.

06 April 2011


Most of you may think I am being silly and exaggerating. MK can attest to it and let you know I am totally telling the truth. This video brought back memories of our time in NYC which I loved... and well.... Drew did not love quite as much as I did. This is a video of a 90 sq foot apartment. What is pitiful is that ours was just about twice as big. Seriously. Ah... what we go through for each other.

05 April 2011


This is what our house sounds like except we only have one. ( It gets better as it goes on.)


OMG! I forgot to mention that we trimmed that little hair off the back of Chuck's head! Look at the bookshelf picture on the previous post and you can see the back of his head. It was becoming a little bit too long and it got to the point where we couldn't decide if it was a mullet or not. Then we realized if we were trying to decide if it was a mullet of not then it was too long. So, two nights ago we decided to chop it while he was distracted while taking a bath. He looks so much more mature with his baby maybe mullet gone.

Books and Kiwi

We have moved things off of the bottom shelves in the den so that Chuck can have his own bookshelves. He is having a great time with his books. He does insist on having pictures of his cousins on his bookshelf too so that he can take them down and put them back up.

He has successfully mastered the milestone of dropping things on purpose. I often wonder if he actually got any of the food in his mouth. I think the cats are tired of cleaning up after this guy.

Chuck loves to eat kiwis. The past two days he has enjoyed sitting on the counter looking at the kiwi. Sometimes I would love to hear what is actually going on in his head. He decided he wanted to hang the kiwi in the straps of our kitchen curtains. I mean if this little guy doesn't think outside of the box, I don't know who does! He just sits the kiwi right in that little cradle in the straps and leaves it even though he knows that his mama has them sitting in the window.

Chuck has also reached the milestone of stacking things. He got nesting/stacking blocks from our neighbors for his birthday. He likes to stack them up with me and then knock them down. He also got a fridge farm for his birthday that teaches him his animals. He has somehow combined these two gifts. He likes to stack his boxes and make a tower. What is so funny is that he likes to include his barn in the stack. So he stacks up two boxes, then puts his barn (which is sort about an inch think), and then continues stacking his boxes. The weight of the other boxes keeps the music on the barn continually playing. I thought it was so funny that he kept wanting to include his barn in the stack of boxes.

He is still not walking. Just yesterday, he finally stood up with no help at all. He was in the middle of the room and went from squatting to standing with out holding onto anything! He is days away from walking. He is enjoying milk but I am having a hard time switching him to sippy cups. He has one favorite cup but it only holds 5 ounces. He is not adjusting to other cups. I guess the smaller cup is ok but I want him to be able to have bigger cups. As soon as he takes his first steps he will be moved to the next room! Bitter sweet really. He is becoming a big boy but will have to leave the teachers who know him so well!

03 April 2011


Nothing beats getting to spend the day with daddy looking at trees, eating macaroni, and drinking sweet tea! This is the only day this month that all three of us will be off at the same time!

Check out the pants Miss Penny!

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