19 August 2010

Busy Tizzy

Those are the words to describe this week. School started for the students on Monday. We are going to have quite a year! Oh boy.... Is is possible to send a child to in school suspension the first day of school... I am afraid if I did, he would be there all year.

So anyways, Monday was ok... I guess. Dr. has been working nights all week. While I was home on Monday night with the Chuckman, he had a small fever of about 100.8... I think... so tired I don't even know anymore. Then the next morning he woke up with 102 fever. It was only my second day of school... what was I going to do?????? I called Dr. at work and we decide I would take him to daycare hoping the fever would go away. After thinking it through a little bit I decided against that option and paced back and forth in my kitchen for 20 minutes. I was thinking about calling our neighbor Ginger to sit for 3 hours and getting my pregnant friend Akisha to sit the other 3 hours while Dr. slept because he had to go to work that night. Well, a text comes in from Akisha and her water has broken and she is on her way to the hospital. The more I think about it, Ginger goes to bed at about 4 am and there is no way she would be able to pull a 9 hour shift with a baby especially since she has never had a child. So... I make the big call. I call the babysitters that are 3 hours away. So the phone rings in Mobile at 6:45 in the morning. To my surprise people are already stirring and starting their day.

"I have a problem.... Chuck has 102 fever and I don't have a babysitter."

"We will be there in 3 hours."

Phew... Chuck is so very special that he got babysitters from 3 hours away for the last two days. Thank you Bob Bob and Granna for making the trek and taking care of little man while Dr. slept. Texarkana...... be glad you just got back from Hot Springs or it might have been your phone ringing!!

Well at the time I called Mobile, I had 20 minutes to get to school and I still had a baby. So, little man and I drive to the hospital, I take him in his car seat and his daycare bag to the emergency room. Boy was Dr. surprised to see me!!!! It was 7:02 and he is "officially" off at 7:00 and I have to be at school at 7:20 or I get written up. I walk in and ask someone where Dr. is. He peaks around the corner and all I can say is "here, can you take him, my parents will be here in three hours, bottles are in the bag, i will call you later." So the Chuckster was probably the first baby to attend sign outs in the UMC ER. He didn't make a peep and listened intently... already beginning his medical training.... what a smart guy.

As I back, I wonder if Chuck has learned, already at this young age, how to play hooky because by 10 o'clock that morning, not a single sign of fever. Thanks Chuckmiester, make mama look like she cried wolf. Oh well, he had a good time staying home from day care and get lots of extra lovin'. He is totally fine except for that runny nose that has returned.

I don't think I have ever been so happy that Friday was here. He better not wake up with a fever tomorrow morning. That child is going to day care! Now that he is asleep for the night, I might just join him.

15 August 2010

Some days, Sundays.......

Some days, Sundays just don't turn out like you plan. I think little man is feeling a little under the weather today. He woke up this morning stuffy-nosed ( We just got over it, right?). We were doing great until we woke up from an afternoon nap screaming. Finally, he fell asleep on mama's shoulder but then woke up every ten minutes screaming. Gave his body a once over, couldn't find anything wrong. Maybe its just a little upset stomach.

I decided to change his diaper and in the middle he fell asleep on his changing pad. So, I let the child sleep on his changing pad. Call me a bad mom, but the kiddo got another 30 minutes of sleep and I just stayed in his room and hung black out material in his windows.

He wasn't excited about dinner tonight either if you can tell from the pic .... could have cared less about the sweet potatoes. He just kind of sat there and looked at me like he had no idea who I was. Who would refuse sweet potatoes or refuse to smile at mom?

Well, he is down for the night or should I say he is down for "right now".... two hours later than usual. Let us just pray that he has a good night of sleep since it is my first day with my students tomorrow. It would be nice to be good and rested! Alright, I am off to ironing my outfits for the week. Cross your fingers I get all the smart ones and none of the "drive the teacher crazy" ones!