20 June 2009

party time

The Weber's Backyard Bash was a success last night.  I think we had about 22 people.  The heat index was 102 but the boys braved the heat on the back deck and then the girls joined them once the sun went down.  We had lots of fun with friends.

Me, Luke, Akisha

Luke and Akisha

Hamad and Kristin

Me and Jason

Dr. with his mosquito killer

Kristin with Luke

Smith with Luke

Nathan ( EM newbie) and wife, Smith

Akisha and Jason ( EM resident a year above Dr.)

My Besties: The EM wives in their sorority pose
Me, Kristin, Akisha, Michelle

Hamad, Kristin, and crazy Dr.

Smith (wife of a newbie) with Adrienne's kids

Me with Kristin, Michelle, and Kelly 
( all wives of residents but Kelly's hubbie is an ortho resident and she is an internal med resident)

Dr. with Jason, also an EM doc in the same year

Nathan (an EM newbie), Luke ( a year ahead of Dr.), David (an ortho newbie), Hamad ( a year ahead of Dr.)

Adrienne (wife of Jason) with her kids

15 June 2009

my own personal hell

we had a wonderful weekend in 96 degree weather.  we worked outside all weekend.  we had a humongous stack of bricks that were covered with ivy and making our back flower bed tacky looking. ( it is still tacky looking but now there is not a big hump in the middle).  i overcame my fear of the ivy ( and the snakes that i knew were hiding in there) and removed about 150 bricks, no kidding.  we used some to outline our slow growing veggie garden and stacked the rest in the dog run.  there were tacky railroad ties surrounding our veggie garden that we moved to the tacky compost pile.  ( maybe the heading of this post should have been tacky!).  our tacky dog run has a cement bottom but had about a foot of dirt, worms, vines, etc. on top of it.  so i overcame the fear of the dog run (and the snakes ) and helped dr. remove all the junk. ( well maybe this post should have been titled "overcoming fears"!)  *note:  i never came across one snake.  i just have this horrible fear of them i guess.

so a productive weekend all in preparation for the Weber's Backyard Bash happening this Friday!  we are having everyone over for barbecue and yard games!  so far we have about 20 people coming!  yeah! this brings me to the actual title of this post.  because we are having a party, we are trying to spruce up the yard, hence removing tacky stacks of bricks and fixing tacky dog run.  dr. also informed me i needed to water the front grass due to significant lack of rain here.  well in order to water front lawn, two sprinklers are needed.  we use one regularly in the veggie garden.  i assumed the other one was in the leaves in the front bed next to the hose turner on-er.  anyways, i am in the boxwoods, going through the leaves to find my sprinkler and all of a sudden i am staring at something that is black with a perfect red line down it and perfect white lines next to the red lines.  it all happened in slow motion.  i stared, i thought, the thoughts were processed and the next thing i know, i am screaming running through my front yard and some how end up on the back deck.  dr.  has no idea what is happening because the only sounds that can come out of my mouth at this point were exactly that... sounds.  i was unable to form one single word and could not stop screaming and brushing the snake "air" (i guess) off of me.

so, all weekend, i am looking for snakes and know i will find one and i happen to have a run in when least expected and in a place that i go daily in order to water my flowers.  ugh.  

so that is that beginning of my own personal hell.  

now, this morning, i was putting up lights on our umbrella again in preparation for our Backyard Bash.  i am standing on the patio table, my head and arms all intertwined in the umbrella spokes.  i notice at the top of my umbrella is like dried leaves or something.  right around the top in the inside. so i take my little twist tie and knock the leaves out.  it was quite odd because the leaves were all in one mass.  much to my surprise there were no leaves.  this thing i had just gotten about 6 cm from was a BAT that had decided to sleep in the umbrella.  it at some point had gotten closed in the umbrella and passed away (poor soul, really).  so i am still intwined in the umbrella on top of a table and there is a flattened bat laying on my shoe.  

snakes and bats all in less than 24 hours is way to much for me.  i seriously feel like   
a.  dry heaving
b. screaming at the top of my lungs
c. dancing around and brushing off all the snake and bat air that has probably gotten on me  
d. taking a shower
e. pouring clorox all over my boxwoods in the front and all over the deck in the back

i am FREAKING out. ugh