25 August 2012


Apparently we need to work on our dance moves!


Our fancy grocery store here is called Fresh. It's owned by Brookshires and is their form of Whole Foods. They have everything you can imagine. If we have had a long or rough day we can go pick up a bag that is "Dinner for Two". It has a complete dinner in it. It has a sandwich and salad bar. A coffee bar, and a taco bar. On weekends it has live music on its back patio. It's outside grill is open and you can pick up anything inside.

We can hear and see the grocery store from our house and heard it was a decent place to take kids. So for my birthday that is what I decided I wanted to do... go to the grocery store. We got there right at 6 so we could play the whole "Chuck" thing by ear. They had a Latin American band playing. At first all Chuck wanted to do was eat Gelato and sit in our laps. All the little girls were dancing.

Chuck's teacher ended up coming with her family. We have become good friends over the summer. He was so excited to see her. He had a blast hugging on her 11 month old baby and had an even better time dancing with her 5 year old daughter! He eventually started running around and "dancing", I mean jumping!

We stayed until 9 when the music closed down! Where else can you take your kids, let them run around, eat, drink ( and potentially get wasted)? It's like an outside bar that you can take your kids to!

So if you come and visit and our grocery store is having music you better believe we are going! They even do a crawfish boil with Cajun music, a St. Patty's day party, etc ( and kids are always welcome)! We even saw a rainbow that looked as if it was going right to our house!

Here are some pics! I will post A video of Chuck "dancing" in a little bit!

23 August 2012

First Day of School

You all know what I'm working with. We finally attempted our first day of school picture. I asked him what he wanted to be and he said "doctor". He sure does love his poppy and daddy. When it came to picture time.... Well, this picture says it all. And so does "No me picture mommy!".

21 August 2012


"I want to touch the butterfry!"

Da Bump

The growth of the tummy is still going well. Our doctor visit on Monday was good. Everything from the sonogram from two weeks ago was great and the heart beat was a strong 140. At this point in Chuck's pregnancy we were noticing some rise in blood pressure. I think mine this visit was 100/60 or something like that. Any way, my blood pressure was so chill that we all kinda chuckled.

This mama-to-be got her hair done today and I am going for a mani/pedi tomorrow with my only "friend" who lives across the street. By "friend" I mean I have talked to her three times. Dr. is enjoying several days off and crazy dude is crazy as ever!

So here is a photo of da bump and the new 'do.


Chuck's turtle sandbox has been filled up with water lately to get us through these summer days. Today while filling up the bird feeder with daddy, Chuck found a FROG in the "pool". Thank goodness daddy was home because this mama is NOT going to touch it!

Chuck loved it and played with it a good 45 minutes until it hopped away and he couldn't get to it. Unfortunately mama couldn't get to it either :).


Chuck has been asking for a radio for a few days. Today when he got in the car after school the first thing he said was "go store, need radio". He has been playing with it for ten minutes and already knows how to work it. He uses it to play school. He picked the black one because it looked like Miss Sam's radio.

20 August 2012

School Days

Today Chuck officially started K2 ( I guess). He went to summer school for about a month and then had a week vacation.

We made it through the carpool line with no tears! After a week away from his teacher I thought we may have to start from square one but he did wonderful. Usually we purchase his lunches through the school which has a nutritionist that cooks the meals. This week everyone had to bring their lunch. Chuck was so excited to take his lunch box and his new animal encyclopedia with him today!

I am so thankful that Chuck got to go over the summer. There were only 8 children in his class and some days less than that so he really got one on one attention. Now there will be 14 children. I can't imagine throwing him into it at the beginning of the fall semester. He will be the helper in the room. At open house his teacher made a comment about him being the class clown. That boy does love attention!

I promise I will take a picture tomorrow!