27 October 2012

Pumpkin Problems

Not sure how to describe the pumpkin patch. Chuck sang Old McDonald the whole way there. We got there and he cried the entire hayride and refused to pick out a pumpkin (maybe because he was busy crying). We finally stopped crying once "Old McDonald" gave us free food to feed the goats.

I think it was one of those moments mothers have A LOT. Where you sacrifice and do something for your child because you think it will make them so happy and it really just blows up in your face and makes you want to run and hide in your car just for some sanity.

I did get a few pictures. We were definitely in the back roads of Texas. There is a picture of a noncompliant 2 year old in the middle of a pumpkin patch, a somewhat happier two year old sitting on a tractor, and of course a picture feeding the goats and pigs.

Pumpkin Patch

Well folks, we are going to brave the cold and go to the pumpkin patch since it is the last weekend. Chuck found daddy's hat and said he is ready to go to "Old McDonald had a Farm".

Hay ride, pumpkins, and animal are in our near future!

26 October 2012

Living Room

Now that I have gotten Dr.'s office furnished (although not totally done), he's been pressuring me to do the living room. He thinks once the baby is here, there will never be a living room.

I wasn't excited about having to decorate the living room! I had decided I was going to do a blue in there. Even though Dr. said he wanted a dark color, he looked at our rug and picked a light blue out of it. After several days of refusing to tackle the living room, I finally jumped in and started planning. I knew what I wanted but didn't know the fabrics. Here is the final decision and a picture of our rug.

The couches will be in a neutral color and a chair in blue and brown. Pillows will be made out of the big geometric dot pattern, the sofa material, the flowers, and the red chevron. My creation with only obstacles from the mom and hubs. :) there will be a light brown leather ottoman as the coffee table. I'm excited to see how it turns out.

3 weekends

Well, we are graced with another three day weekend and of course daddy is working. About a year ago, I was terrified to take my child out in public. Now I am terrified to be locked in a house with him for three days!

Unfortunately, last night the temperature dropped 20 degrees and it started raining, so it is yucky here! We had plans for a tiger refuge and the pumpkin patch. Instead we are going to have to visit the museum today. If tomorrow is not rainy, we will do the zoo and Sunday the pumpkin carving will begin.

On Monday, baby Smith and I have a doctor's appointment. After that, I think I will be taking a very long nap.

Here's little man acting like a monkey.

25 October 2012

Slugs, snails, and puppy dog tails

Well, we made it thru the flu shot visit! Chuck had an appointment today and we had to meet the doctor that will see Smith when he is born. Everything went ok considering it was the doctor. We ended up doing the mist. We would have done the shot but daddy was with us so he could hold the head while I held the arms and the nurse misted! We still had to hold him done but no pain for him. It's a live virus so here's hoping he doesn't get flu symptoms. After the visit, we promised him a milkshake and the Sonic playground that had been too hot to go to and it has a bounce house! I also thankful Dr. could go! I actually sent him an invitation for a flu shot, milkshake and pumpkin carving. We never got to the pumpkin carving.

It was so late after the playground, we came home and hunted frogs. They have been MIA for a couple of weeks. We have resorted to worms and rolypolies. However, today we found where Mr. Frog was hiding!

23 October 2012

Pumpkins and Drums

Here is the latest picture of our crazy little guy.  Of course this was taken after a long day of school and climbing in the bushes with his flashlight. When asked what he found in the bushes, he said "Molly".  Ha!  He found the cat sleeping!

We also had successful attempts at the potty tonight and got some glow in the dark drum sticks!

Can you believe that this was our little guy two years ago and that we are getting another one of these in just a couple of months.

Little Smith

Smith should be about 3 pounds right now. I also have reached the maximum amount of amniotic fluid which is two pints. I'm starting to slow down and I'm feeling it. I just got stuck in Chuck's tub. During Chuck's pregnancy this happened a lot. Now that we have a big jetted tub, I had kind of forgotten about it! Dr. is sleeping so I decided to soak in Chuck's tub. How relaxing... Until I couldn't figure out how to get out! Now that I tired myself out and realized I'm carrying a pretty big load, I am going to sleep on the couch until carpool. Night night.

22 October 2012

Playing Catch Up

I've been meaning to put several things on the blog but just haven't gotten around to it.

We did get Chuck's first "report card" this week.  He seems to be doing good.  I mean, he has a lot of checks and checks are good.  One thing he has mastered is his flower arrangements.  His teacher texted me a picture the other day of him arranging flowers for his lunch table.

One thing he did not have checks by is his "toileting".  This upset his daddy.  We had worked so hard on it before the move and he was very open to the idea.  Chuck never fought sitting on the potty.  He would teetee and poopy on the potty with no fight.  Then we moved.  We didn't want to make Chuck do anything he didn't want to do or pressure him, so we laid off of the potty.  In fact, we totally forgot about it.  So last night, Dr. just randomly said "I'll give you a treat if you go teetee in the potty!"  (It's not often that daddy is around to hand out candy, etc.)  Chuck jumped up and ran to the potty and went teetee!  He got a cool glow stick wand (that thank goodness i randomly picked up one day while in the Dollar Tree!).  We put on some big boy undies and carried on with our night. Tonight, Chuck decided he wanted candy and asked if he could have some candy if he went potty.  Sure enough, this kid ran to the potty and teeteed!  So three times i the last two nights!  He LOVES to show his daddy his big boy undies and got a kit kat for one restroom visit and a glow in the dark ball for anther visit!  Hopefully we are on to something here!  I have realized I can't continually ask him, I just have to sit him on the toilet. Why didn't anybody ever make this clear to me.  He could care less if I asked him every ten minutes!  You better hope the next report card has all the checks next to his potty training or daddy is going to freak!

On a totally different note, we finally got Dr.'s furniture for his office.  We still have to figure out the rug and coffee table/decluttering scenario but we are well on our way.  However, I am pretty sure the cats love the furniture more than Dr. does.

Dr. has been home the past week getting some serious board studying done.  He has 21 days until the big day.  So he has 21 days that we need to stay far away from him!  Unfortunately, he goes back to work tomorrow and is working through the weekend.  For some reason I feel the need to torture myself and try and take my child on a hayride and to pet some animals.  I am nearing the end of the pregnancy but feel relatively normal at the beginning of the day.  Around 2 o'clock, my body is really starting to conk out.  Dr. has given me two weeks until I can physically no longer move without putting an incredible amount of energy into it.  I think he is probably right!  BUT, I am still wearing my wedding rings ( yes, my size 4 fingers apparently aren't obese as the rest of my body is!)   I am looking forward to getting this little one out and tackling this weight.  I know I will feel so much better as a lighter person!

21 October 2012

Daddy love

Daddy sure does love his boys and their mommy. He bought us a car!

Our (as in chuck's, because truly everything belongs to him) car was close to 10 years old. It has been a wonderful car. It was starting to show its age and was making daddy nervous every time we set out on a little trip. (Luckily we don't go too far, seeing as though the grocery store and the school are right across the street!)

We had a good idea of what we wanted. We wanted the interior to be a lot like a minivan (with three rows and bucket seats in the second). We knew we needed it to be built in a car frame or I would most likely kill someone.

They are making "crossover"vehicles now which are minivans on the inside and SUVs on the outside. I say party on the outside, business on the inside. We ended up going with the Buick (I know right, who would have thunk it!). It is the Buick Enclave with all the bells and whistles like DVD (for carsickness and of course entertainment) and the navigation system (so I don't have to drive around looking at the map on my phone), and the Bluetooth (so mom doesn't talk on the phone while driving). It also has the back up camera and I think blind spot indicators.

It has everything we need for these two boys! Drew has driven it but I have no idea where to go do I haven't driven it yet! We will show it off in the carpool line though!