06 December 2012


Baby Smith is still hibernating. We have gone from 1cm to 2cm so at least we are making some progress. The waiting game continues. It is up to the little guy I guess! Next appt is next Thursday, same time same place unless Smith decides otherwise!

05 December 2012

Nearing the End!

I have not had time to sit down and address the absence of pictures.  I did want to give an update on what is going on here!

We have a doctor's appt tomorrow at 1:00 to see if we are progressing and getting any closer to meeting our second son!  I have had good days and bad days, and good days that have turned into bad days.  We are watching my blood pressure closely.  As of now, we have had no pressure problems but know that can change in a heartbeat.  I have been trying to rest this week which has given me the energy to be mommy after school.

Last weekend was pretty rough on me.  Saturday we had a good day but by Saturday night I was pretty sure I was going into labor.  Chuck's teacher took him on Sunday so I could rest.  If she hadn't done that, I am pretty sure we would have a family of four by now!  She is such a life saver.

Smith has been pretty rowdy lately.  A couple of times I have been worried that he was going to break my water because of the intense movement!  I think Smith is getting just as anxious to meet Chuck as Chuck is to meet him!

I have done the majority of my nesting.  All Christmas shopping is done and wrapped ( neighbors, teachers, cats, etc)  Chuck's schedule and "how to" guide is posted in the kitchen for our neighbors and marmee/poppy.  I have told him that he may have to go to his teachers house until someone can come get him.  His teacher has been shown the extra key just in case he has to spend the night at her house.  It's all been planned.  All baby clothes have been washed and baby stuff is set up in my closet for when Smith comes home.  Now, Dr. is apparently nesting.  Dr. has had a few days off but goes back to work on Friday ( just in time for the weekend...)

Chuck has been having fun at school.  I am not sure if I have mentioned it but his class has adopted a grandpa and grandma for Christmas instead of an angel tree.  They are doing crafts for their grandma and grandpa and bringing them presents for the next few weeks.  Yesterday, Chuck and I went shopping for some fruit for them and today for some gatorade.  The nursing home staff delivered wreaths to grandma and grandpa made out of handprints today and they said that our grandma and grandpa started crying.  Most of the items on the list are food but Chuck and I are going to go and pick them out each a blanket tomorrow.  Yesterday Chuck asked if he could go see his grandpa and he meant his adopted one!  They talk about it everyday and work on wrapping the presents.  It is SO incredibly sweet.  We are hoping to adopt them for the rest of the year!

I will make sure I send an update after out appt tomorrow!  Stay tuned...

02 December 2012

Play date

Chuck is going on his first play date! His teacher has invited him over from 10-2 today so I can rest! They are going to play and then go look for bugs on the trails. She has a 7, 6 and 15 month old. I don't know why she wants to take my child! However, I am so thankful! Another day like yesterday may just finish me off. We had a good day but by the end I was in so much pain.

I really thought the baby was coming yesterday! I was in so much pain. I don't know if it is from picking up Chuck and things off the ground all day long. I did think I was having contractions for a little while but eventually they stopped. I'm scared to actually admit any pain because I don't want to cry wolf. I feel better now but that's after a night of no bending over. Last night I told Dr. that I was sure the baby was going to come this week.

Dr. is off Monday-Thursday so he will be around just in case. He goes back to work on Friday so it would be nice if this baby came a little early. I know Smith needs to cook longer but it is getting rather painful.

Dr. has been getting slammed at work. Last night he saw 50 patients when usually the average for an ER is 30 patients. He is way over worked and I know he is looking for these next few days off!

Well, Chuck is gone so now I will rest or something! I've never been alone on a weekend in almost 3 years!