23 April 2010


Just thought you would enjoy some pictures of us playing and then falling asleep!

I'm a Big Boy Now!

Yesterday, Chuckaroo did not have a very good day. He was very fussy and insisted I not put him down. I think his tummy was bothering him. Made for a very unproductive day. I got my first meal at 9 last night. I just can not sit there and listen to him scream at the top of his lungs while I try and do something. Today, our day has been better but he has just started fussing again. All is quiet in the house as long as mom is holding Chuck. I am still going to do some cleaning. There is a big rain storm coming that I am kind of looking forward to. Love when it storms during the day!

Such a big boy swinging in the big boy swing for the first time!

Pretending like he is not having fun.

Chuck has graduated to the next size onesie! He is in 0-3 month... a little saggy but getting there! He is still wearing newborn sizes in "non-onesie" wear.

Smiling during a dream.

It's always snuggle time around here!

He slept in his big boy bed for the first time last night and did wonderful! He is getting a little rollie so those pads are to keep him on his back.... and to keep mom sane!

22 April 2010


Which quickly turned to nap time.

Chuckster decided he wanted to stay up last night and just grunt, coo, and make every single noise he could think of. He did a very good job of trying to keep Dr. awake. Since Dr. had work today, we moved to the den so that we could talk to each other more freely! So I decided I would do everything in my power to keep him awake today so maybe we could start working on our sleeping at night. Mom's idea was a good one but had little to no progress. He did not want to spend much time on his back. So we tried tummy time which lasted a little longer but then turned into nap time. Guess I will try again another day!

21 April 2010

Bath Time!

Remember that if you are viewing this post on the blog ( http://theweb18.blogspot.com) please go to the right hand side and pause the iPod so you can hear the video.

Dr. has a retreat today and the family is invited for dinner so Baby Chuck got a bath last night! He loves his baths. If you are not squirting him with water then he starts to yell. He actually slept through the first few minutes of the bath. He is getting so big. He stayed awake yesterday for an entire three hours at once! He is starting to hold his head up for a little longer everyday and he is starting to really use those legs! He has started cuddling on my chest again, which every mama loves! I would say that he is nearing, if he is not already sitting at 8 pounds. I guess this is what he would have looked like if he was born on time! I will post some four-week pictures later today.

I apologize that the video is a little blurry. We filmed it a little close up.

19 April 2010

Meeting the Fam

Chuck spending some alone time with mom and the doctor.

Chuck meets his Poppy.

Getting to know Bob Bob.

Photo Op with Uncle Ben (who is probably more tired in this picture than mom.)

Having a heart to heart with Paka Nick, Two Mommy, and Marmee.


On behalf of my mommy brain, or maybe the fact that I am somewhat overwhelmed by the birth of my first child, I have forgotten to post pictures from the hospital and the delivery. Be pre-warned that none of these pictures are graphic.

Dr. cuts the umbilical cord.

The doctor shows mom her son! Look at that happy face on dad!

Mom sees baby for the first time.

Daddy and Chuck hold hands. Look at how curly that hair was!

Proud Daddy

Relaxing With Dad

Dr. has been working the past four nights so it has just been me and Chuck, doing our own thing. Dr. worked his last night and came home and took about a four hour nap and then woke up so he could spend some time with us! Our Monday consisted of A LOT of snuggling ( because who doesn't like to snuggle) and a trip to a restaurant.

Dr. and Chuck shared a booth. For our first eating out experience, we ventured out at a time when no one else would be eating dinner ( just in case). Chuck did wonderful!!!!

My sleepy heads.

Still snuggling!

I think it is weird that they gave my child a kid's menu. Dr. asked if breast milk was on the menu. Haha. You can see in the first picture that they even left a plate on the table for Chuck.

Since dad is home we are going to take a real good bath tonight. With more hands it will be much easier and we will get cleaner! There may even be a video to follow!!!!!