21 April 2010

Bath Time!

Remember that if you are viewing this post on the blog ( http://theweb18.blogspot.com) please go to the right hand side and pause the iPod so you can hear the video.

Dr. has a retreat today and the family is invited for dinner so Baby Chuck got a bath last night! He loves his baths. If you are not squirting him with water then he starts to yell. He actually slept through the first few minutes of the bath. He is getting so big. He stayed awake yesterday for an entire three hours at once! He is starting to hold his head up for a little longer everyday and he is starting to really use those legs! He has started cuddling on my chest again, which every mama loves! I would say that he is nearing, if he is not already sitting at 8 pounds. I guess this is what he would have looked like if he was born on time! I will post some four-week pictures later today.

I apologize that the video is a little blurry. We filmed it a little close up.

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