06 April 2012

Yard Sale

Tomorrow, our street will have the first annual Seneca Avenue yard sale. There are about 5 families participating the first go round. I am not sure why I thought this would be a good idea with a two year old. I was going to just skip it but then decided to pull everything out. Now I am regretting it.

I am about to make some sidewalk paint and find other things to have on hand. Hopefully this will keep Chuck in the yard. If not, I will cover everything up and forego the whole yard sale thing and mingle with neighbors. This makes me have more anxiety than taking a two year old to Wal-Mart.

04 April 2012

A happy hump day

I thought this was pretty funny.

We had a broker open house today. While having the open house, our realtor said a woman drove up that was interested in the house. She used to live on our street and wants to get back on our street. ( Our street is known for its friendliness.) She left saying she wanted to talk it over with her daughter. Well, mom and daughter will be back tomorrow at 11. Please, please, say a little prayer for you.... ( wait that's a little ditty from My Best Friend's Wedding)... Say a little prayer. This is perfect timing for us to close when we need to! There may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

We totally enjoyed the weather today. It was a bit damp from previous rains but it reminded me of my childhood. We used to go outside and come in when it was dark. We just ran and played. Chuck had a super time running around with his friends, Sam and Nellie. He talks about all of our neighbors all the time. First thing he talk about in the morning and last thing he mentions before closing his eyes. He even mentioned last night that he wanted to take one of our neighbors at sucker so when he got home today he went and got a sucker and insisted we go to their house. I am really hoping that our neighbors in Tyler are this loving and welcoming because they are going to have a two year old walking around in their yards.

03 April 2012


Well my friends, my child has found a new way to exhaust me. TALKING. Yes, Chuck has been talking for a while, but today he decided that he is going to talk non stop. Most of our sentences are complete with just a few unimportant words missing. The child talked my ear off from the time I walked into his classroom until he asked me for a kiss and a hug when I put him down.

When I walked into his classroom today he was getting his diaper changed. He immediately told me that he had poopied and that he washed his hands with soap. I had no idea that from that moment on I would not be able to speak or think for the rest of the afternoon.

Phew. In general I am pretty exhausted. I am getting anxiety about Dr. going back to work for the next 2 1/2 months and having to keep this place clean and raise a child ( oh, and work). I guess there is no need to stress too much about it because there's no stopping it! Next week is our 4th quarter midterms! That means only an 8th of the year is left!

This week is a four day work week and so is next week. I lucked out on this one and Chuck goes to school both Friday and Monday while I can relax ( and clean... I am in a constant cleaning state) at home all by myself. The next week, I had already requested 2 days off before our state tests at the beginning of May. After the tests, I will use up the remaining sick days I have. Even if we are not moving then, I will completely lie and say I have to go close, move stuff, whatever.

We have a broker open house tomorrow. We have gotten a good deal of rain around here lately. Chuck is obsessed with the outdoors so has a little tantrum when we come home in the afternoons because he wants to swim.

I will try and get a picture of him tomorrow with his new converse shoes on. I decided he needed more than 2 pairs of shoes so Dr. picked them out. Chuck continued his streak by insisting to sleep in his new shoes the first day he gets them. Whatever will make you go to sleep and not cry , son.

Potty training

We are working on it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

01 April 2012

Mr. Independent

We had an open house today. The time has come when an offer would be perfect and we would be ale to close when we need to. It would officially be 60 days from now. We had a total of 9 different groups of people. At least one was a resident so they are starting to trickle in, which is who we are really depending on to buy the house. Some seemed to be promising. We are having a broker's open house on Wednesday. This will be Dr.'s last week off before he goes back to the normal schedule until he graduates. Maybe we can get an offer this week so I don't have to clean by myself.

We took Chuck to Target during the open house. What should have been a ten minute trip turned into an hour because we pretty much had to chase him. I like taking Dr. because now he knows why I never fix dinner... I can't make it through the grocery store ( and I can't cook.)

We promised Chuck a Cherry Limeade since we were kicked out of the house. He enjoyed it and always loves riding in the backseat with daddy.

Now that Chuck is two, he is more independent ( I guess). He insisted on eating outside with the cats for dinner. His table used to be inside but since the house has been on the market, it has been on the deck. I think he really misses eating at it.

After dinner he told me to go inside. I locked all the gates and watched him from the window. He was busy watering the flowers ( and cat) and chasing the cats around the yard. He didn't want me out there and wanted to play alone. He really is starting to play on his own and does not have to have me to play with him.