01 April 2012

Mr. Independent

We had an open house today. The time has come when an offer would be perfect and we would be ale to close when we need to. It would officially be 60 days from now. We had a total of 9 different groups of people. At least one was a resident so they are starting to trickle in, which is who we are really depending on to buy the house. Some seemed to be promising. We are having a broker's open house on Wednesday. This will be Dr.'s last week off before he goes back to the normal schedule until he graduates. Maybe we can get an offer this week so I don't have to clean by myself.

We took Chuck to Target during the open house. What should have been a ten minute trip turned into an hour because we pretty much had to chase him. I like taking Dr. because now he knows why I never fix dinner... I can't make it through the grocery store ( and I can't cook.)

We promised Chuck a Cherry Limeade since we were kicked out of the house. He enjoyed it and always loves riding in the backseat with daddy.

Now that Chuck is two, he is more independent ( I guess). He insisted on eating outside with the cats for dinner. His table used to be inside but since the house has been on the market, it has been on the deck. I think he really misses eating at it.

After dinner he told me to go inside. I locked all the gates and watched him from the window. He was busy watering the flowers ( and cat) and chasing the cats around the yard. He didn't want me out there and wanted to play alone. He really is starting to play on his own and does not have to have me to play with him.

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