04 April 2012

A happy hump day

I thought this was pretty funny.

We had a broker open house today. While having the open house, our realtor said a woman drove up that was interested in the house. She used to live on our street and wants to get back on our street. ( Our street is known for its friendliness.) She left saying she wanted to talk it over with her daughter. Well, mom and daughter will be back tomorrow at 11. Please, please, say a little prayer for you.... ( wait that's a little ditty from My Best Friend's Wedding)... Say a little prayer. This is perfect timing for us to close when we need to! There may be a light at the end of the tunnel.

We totally enjoyed the weather today. It was a bit damp from previous rains but it reminded me of my childhood. We used to go outside and come in when it was dark. We just ran and played. Chuck had a super time running around with his friends, Sam and Nellie. He talks about all of our neighbors all the time. First thing he talk about in the morning and last thing he mentions before closing his eyes. He even mentioned last night that he wanted to take one of our neighbors at sucker so when he got home today he went and got a sucker and insisted we go to their house. I am really hoping that our neighbors in Tyler are this loving and welcoming because they are going to have a two year old walking around in their yards.

1 comment:

Tara C said...

Those pics made me laugh out loud. Also, saying a little prayer!!! We are ready for you to get to Texas!