02 January 2013

Smith Allen Weber

Looks like the blog is back up friends!

Smith Allen Weber made his debut on December 20,2012. The night before, I started feeling consistent pressure around 6 pm. It had turned to pains by 9 but I was still doubting myself. MK had been in town to "babysit" me while dr. was working out of town. She was scheduled to go home that day but decided to stay one more night. At about 11pm we all decided to go to bed. After tossing for an hour, I realized there was no way I was going to sleep. I got MK up and we timed my "contractions" although at this point I was still doubting whether or not they were contractions! It seemed I was consistently having them every 3 minutes for 45 seconds. I called the answering service and they told me to do what I thought was best. (Go in to labor and delivery or wait it out).

I was becoming more uncomfortable do woke Dr. up and he drove me to the hospital. I was only 2cm but was definitely having contractions. Unfortunately they could not admit me until I reached about 4 cm. They told me to go home or walk the halls for two hours. I decided to walk because pain wise, going home was not an option. I could only walk for 45 minutes before standing up was not an option. I got back in a bed in triage and moaned for another hour. After that two hour window they checked my progress and I had dilated all the way to 7 cm!

They immediately moved me to a room and I had about 5 nurses racing around getting labs, putting in an IV, hooking up monitors. At this point my contractions started coming on strong. I was having back labor which I did not have with Chuck. I was only feeling contractions in my back and it felt like someone kept breaking my back.

As they were waiting for labs to come back so i could get an epidural, they dosed me up on morphine which didn't even touch the pain! I started to worry that we were going to miss the window for the epidural. The anesthesiologist was waiting outside the door for the labs. As soon as we got them, he pretty much ran in and shoved the epidural in my back. I think shortly after that, I professed my love to him. Dr. didn't seem to mind. I think he was just happy I had stopped screaming, cursing, and crying!

I got my epidural at 6 am and at 12:33pm, Smith Allen Weber was born. He was a perfect 8lb 6oz (exactly 2pounds bigger than his brother!). He was 19 1/2 inches long. Once we had the epidural, it was a very unevenly full delivery. We stayed in the hospital 24 hours before we were released to the real world!

Tomorrow, Smith will be 2weeks old! Now for a plethora of pictures. Unfortunately all my pictures on my phone got erased but these will do for now until
I can charge my computer and can get the pictures that I was able to reclaim.

Christmas morning (5 days old)

And now for some other pics from around the house:

Chuck in his new superhero cape! This sweet child asked permission to fly in the house!

Chuck making Santa cookies

Chuck excited about his stocking

Snowballs with daddy!

What bath time looks like now...

Chuck paying bills with MK.

My New Year's Eve dates.... And MK of course.

Chuck ready to go to his cousin's house to spend the night "mommy, chuck so happy!"

I will post some more "newborn" pics soon!

Happy New Year!

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Test post..... Just trying to see if my pictures will post....

This is Smith Allen Weber on his way to his 2 day doctor's appointment!

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