27 July 2013


I did it. I went to Walmart with both boys on a Saturday. Today it's survival of the fittest and at this point I'm ok if I'm not the survivor.

Tonight about 8 ladies are going out to dinner at a nice restaurant. I kind of just want to go sit in my car by myself while I have the babysitter!

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26 July 2013

Car seat

Yesterday I looked down and saw a big sticker on Smith's car seat that said "a child weighing more than 22lb should never ride in this seat". Needless to say, Smith got a big boy seat yesterday. Just like his brother.

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25 July 2013

7 months

Smith celebrated 7 months on July 20th (while Bob Bob celebrated his birthday!) Can you believe Smith is almost a year old! Time really flies!

Playing on the slide

Working on that crawling

Playing with Chuck's toys while Chuck is at school

What my bed looks like in the morning

Smith is keeping me on my toes. Sometimes he wakes up in the early morning hours and is hungry. Sometimes he's not. Sometimes he naps and other days he doesn't sleep at all. Some mornings he wakes at 2am and stays up the rest of the day and sometimes he will go back to sleep. Just rolling with whatever he decides to dish out for the day.

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23 July 2013

Batman and Robin

Just another day at the Weber house.

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Today at school:

Teacher: "Where in the room can you find something shaped like a heart?"

Chuck: "In my love. That's where I keep my heart."

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