11 February 2011

Loves his Daddy

Tonight, Chuck walked ( holding onto things of course) over to the rocking chair, picked up daddy's old baby blanket, walked over and laid in my lap, and covered himself up with blanket. So sweet!

Chuck loves his daddy. He used to say "dada" but now he just calls Dr., "da". When I change him in the mornings, he can hear Dr. getting ready in the bathroom and starts looking in the hall and saying "da". Sometimes, if Dr. is asleep, I will bring Chuck into the room if he is asking for Dr. and wake Dr. up real quick. When Chuck sees Dr. raise his head, he makes a big ol' smile and wrinkles up his nose. It is the funniest thing. He has decided to stop saying "mama" unless he wants out of his bed or a bottle in the middle of the night. I don't mind because it is so darn cute to see him looking for "da". He even asks about him when we leave daycare everyday. Amazing since he sees dad on average about three times per week. I think they have a secret fraternity. There are some inside jokes that mom is just not a part of. Must be a guy thing.

Big Sister is Watching

Molly always has her eye on Chuck. He also takes it upon himself to go and pet her. ( Yes, a little bit harder than she would prefer but she deals with it and the patches of hair he pulls out).

I am in so much pain today with this sinus infection. ( I promise I will stop complaining sometime soon.) Granna and Bob Bob have agreed to drive up tomorrow and stay one night to help me with Chuck because I just don't think I can do it by myself. They haven't seen Chuck since before Christmas so they will get to see this little guy developing into his own person. They will also get some quality playing time in the cage. This is one kid who loves his toys.

* On a side note:
When I was dropping off Chuck at daycare this morning, I saw the girl walker ( there is one girl, two boys, and then Chuck) kneeling down and looking under the crib. I asked Chuck's teacher if they crawl under the beds a lot. She started laughing. She said that the four of them all crawl under there and talk and then crawl out. She says they all four get in a huddle under the bed and she lays under there with them and they just make noises and laugh and have their own little party under there. When they are done they just all start crawling away. It's like their own little club house in their classroom. So cute!


Found these old pictures of our sweetheart. Just hilarious. ( 6 months)

Champion Water Splasher

10 February 2011

Watermelons ( just couldn't think of a title)

We had a little dusting of snow yesterday. Not enough to get out of school for. Here is Chuck with the snow. You are crazy if you think I am going to take my 10 month old outside to play in it.

I went to school today only to have to leave half day.... again. I am still not really functioning. I have been this way since last Friday. I haven't had a meal since Sunday night. I have been able to have a few bites here and there but not much. Maybe this begins my baby weight marathon. I am going to have to take tomorrow off. Just can't sit there another morning with my head on my desk.

We were taking a test today and a little girl raised her hand. Obviously, she had a question.... Nope...... She just wanted to let me know my nose was red. I'm surprised it is not purple with the amount of tissue that has touched it.

I can only guess that I had a 24 hour bug and now I have a serious sinus infection. Miserable Is the only word I can think of and I am not so sure that does it justice.

On a much happier note: Dr. feels fine which would be even awesomer (for me) if these happened to be his off days. Chuck is working on those top teeth ( well that's not so haapy... For any of us).

Chuck is just becoming his own little dude. He has set up a picket line and is refusing all diapers, all baths, and all shirts over his head. He is also trying to boycott car seats and high chairs. ( Note: refusing- (v.) to meltdown..... Don't worry, he still smells good, is safe in the car, and wears clothes when we go out).

Did someone forget to tell me the twos can show up early ? Or is this a phase?

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08 February 2011


I haven't hugged the porcelain throne in 12 hours. I am really dehydrated and of course am super weak since I have had no food in 24 hours. Dr. was able to take Chuck to daycare on his way to lecture. He thought he had to work today but realized someone owed him a shift so she is working tonight for him. It works out well because Dr is now dealing with the 24 hr devil. So I guess all of us in the Weber household got a little taste of it.

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07 February 2011


I'm in bed. Came home early and have been throwing up every 15 minutes for the last 7 hours. Ginger had to drive me to get chuck and they met me outside with him. Ginger sat here while I fed him and gave him a bath. She had to take him everytime I visited the comode. Thank goodness he went to sleep right after the bath. Ginger has me cold Ginger ales going. I already drank one 2 liter. I am so thirsty but can't keep it down. Looking forward to Dr getting home in 30 minutes. I hear Ginger doing dishes and vacuuming. God bless her.

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06 February 2011

Bottoms Up

Today was a good day in the Mississippi Weber household. Someone was a wee bit crabby. I will give you one guess! The little guy has gotten to the stage where you really have to work to get a diaper on him. I have pretty much perfected the whole diaper change while sitting and playing with toys and the standing up diaper change. I guess I have some things to add to my resume. After his bath today, I decided I would wait a bit to fight the battle. I know your thinking about whether or not he tinkled on the floor but I am pretty confident that the warm water from the bath took care of any urgency to go. It doesn't get much cuter than this little hiney. And yes, we have opened the cage up to include the couch ( MK, sorry we didn't do that while you were here but at least you are a little bit more limber from having to heave yourself over the fence with the 25 pound boy )

Reading a book....
Trying to entice the kitty into the cage....