11 February 2011

Big Sister is Watching

Molly always has her eye on Chuck. He also takes it upon himself to go and pet her. ( Yes, a little bit harder than she would prefer but she deals with it and the patches of hair he pulls out).

I am in so much pain today with this sinus infection. ( I promise I will stop complaining sometime soon.) Granna and Bob Bob have agreed to drive up tomorrow and stay one night to help me with Chuck because I just don't think I can do it by myself. They haven't seen Chuck since before Christmas so they will get to see this little guy developing into his own person. They will also get some quality playing time in the cage. This is one kid who loves his toys.

* On a side note:
When I was dropping off Chuck at daycare this morning, I saw the girl walker ( there is one girl, two boys, and then Chuck) kneeling down and looking under the crib. I asked Chuck's teacher if they crawl under the beds a lot. She started laughing. She said that the four of them all crawl under there and talk and then crawl out. She says they all four get in a huddle under the bed and she lays under there with them and they just make noises and laugh and have their own little party under there. When they are done they just all start crawling away. It's like their own little club house in their classroom. So cute!

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