05 April 2013

Funny things

Just wanted to jot down some funny things that Chuck has said and done lately.

His new word is "probably". If you ask him a question he responds "probably not" or "probably so".

Me: Chuck can you help mommy clean up?

Chuck: probably not, mom

Me: Chuck do you think we need to put our capes on?

Chuck: probably so

Also the other day I was curious if he was sleeping well since his brother has moved in next door.

Me: Chuck do you hear your brother cry at night?

Chuck: yeah mom, I hear the Easter bunny hopping too.

Dr. just got home last night after being away four days. Chuck had gotten dad a superman tshirt.

Chuck (3 days ago): I'm gonna surprise dada. I hide it.

Me: where are you gonna hide it.

Chuck: behind my back mom!

Me: dada won't be home today. It will be two more days.

Chuck: I go hide behind the chair.

Me: chuck you're not listening to me. Dada's not coming home today.

Chuck: Mom, you listening me? I super robin.

Dr. Finally got home. Chuck was the first one up this morning and looked out of the window and saw dad's car. I heard feet coming. He ran into our room and immediately woke us up just so he could give dad the superman shirt. You would have thought it was Christmas morning in our house with how excited Chuck was to see dad!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

01 April 2013


I may have to come to terms with the fact that I make babies who don't like long walks. I stopped walking with Chuck when I had to carry him and push the stroller almost 2 miles back home. Today the distance was a little shorter.

I mean what's the use in walking when your going to need a stiff drink when you get home?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone