15 April 2010


Here's an official video of Chuck's belly button ( no private parts shown!)


Just a little video showing off Chuck's locks.

If you are watching this video on the blog, go to the right hand side of the blog and turn off the ipod by pressing the pause button (two lines next to each other).

Three Weeks!!!

Can you believe Baby Chuck is 3 weeks old! Yesterday was my official due date and with Dr. having to go out of town unexpectedly, I am thankful that we got Chuck here early and totally healthy! I can't believe we have been responsible for another human being for three weeks now! We haven't misplaced him or anything! For a three week celebration, I decided to give Chuckaroo a bath. This whole bathing an infant, scares the crazies out of me! Anyway here are some pics of him ( and his hair) after his bath. Dr. was at work so I didn't get any video or pictures of the actual bath. At first he was not sure about the bath but once i sprayed his legs and tummy with the hand held shower, he was totally kosher about the bath. I think he was actually a little amazed by the whole thing. At least someone enjoyed the whole process, mama did not, I was a nervous wreck!

Still a little shocked with the whole bathing process.

His hair has so much body after his bath!

13 April 2010

Itty Bitty Accomplishments

The mama of an itty bitty had some itty bitty accomplishments today. Today, I showered, dried my hair, and put on makeup! We had been to the post office, the bank, and to get mom a sandwich all before noon! Usually, we don't get out of bed until 10 ( after waking up every couple of hours). We also cut and edged the grass.... Well ok, itty bitty and I cheated on that part. We paid someone to do the grass.... which is not how we usually jive. Dr. is on a spur of the moment drive to Texarkana and won't be back in time to cut the grass before he goes to work.... and when he is done working it will be about a week from now....my neighbors would kill me. So I decided to splurge and let Dr. off the hook by flashing some moola in front of the guy that was doing the yard two houses over..... I am sure my neighbors will be so ecstatic that they would have even paid him to do our yard. Heck, I just asked if he could cut the weeds down that are sprouting up in our dead grass, but he went to town...... he eadged and blew the debris out of our yard.... don't tell Dr. but I might have to do this every once in a while just to keep the edging looking good..... can't seem to convince Dr. the yard is worth edging.

I also took some videos of Chucksters new belly button and some other dumb videos but have no idea how to put them on the computer.... hmmm..... must wait to talk to Chuck's daddy...

until then.... I may go and try to wash the sap off my car.... some guy yesterday asked me why it looked like my car was crying.... yup, that bad.

12 April 2010

Baby Steps

I have found that although the little one sleeps most of the time, I can not get a single thing done! He wakes and squirms so much that he needs my full attention quite often. My accomplishments yesterday was a 3 minutes shower! Didn't quite get dressed, get my hair dry, or get makeup on. I did eat lunch though! Today my accomplishments outnumber yesterday. Today, I have taken a shower, put make up on ( have yet to dry the hair), and done two loads of laundry ( have yet to fold them). So I am making a little more progress each day. Tomorrow, I may try and put the little guy in the car and go mail things, go to the store ( for milk.... not prepared for a big trip to the store), and I will drive through the bank ( how ambitious!). How do you take boxes to the post office to mail if you have a child in a car seat in one hand. I guess I can put them in a trash bag so I can carry everything. The post office should really make a drive through.

Yesterday, Chuck was awake for a lot of the morning. Today, he is sleeping more soundly. I swear he was suffering from gas. No one really believed me so I took it upon my self to administer gas medicine and he is sleeping soundly. He is not as squirmy now so I guess Mama knows best! .... and Mama is a little more sane since he is not sleeping in 15 minute increments.

The schedule that I was so excited about may be history. Yesterday, Chuck was demanding to eat every two hours. Must be a growth spurt. That is eating at 12 until about 12:45 then back to a restless sleep until 2. Needless to say I was a little bit warn out yesterday. Bedtime at 7:00 felt so good!

I can't really tell if he is growing but I am looking at him 24/7. For about a week, he would rest on my chest and it was just the best feeling ever. Unfortunately, he has grown out of that. How can he grow out of little things like that so quickly? I miss that snuggle time... although it does allow me to take my 3 minutes showers!

Hopefully, I will be able to get some pictures up of the deck that Marmee made so beautiful. If anybody knows me, they know I like my garden. Unfortunately, Chuck arrived early and I wasn't able to plant anything. Marmee helped make the back deck beautiful. That inspired me to get to work on the front yard. So Bob Bob and Granna helped with the shoveling and the weed pulling out there. I will admit that I might have been suffering from postpartum depression if I had to sit and look at an ugly yard. Now I just wish this pollen would go away so I feel better about taking Chuck outside. I know he would enjoy the flowers and sunshine.

Alright, I think it may be naptime. I think the folding of the laundry may be a little bit too ambitious for today. I will try and post some pictures and maybe a little video for everyone in the next day. I know you are all wanting to see this cutie pie! I just can't stop staring at him. Dr. says he thinks that he is starting to look like me. I am shocked. I never expected my child to look like me... I just assumed they would all look like Dr. His hair is getting a tiny bit lighter. I don't know when you can tell the color of the eyes but we are still thinking blue! ( I know we are only just now getting to the three week mark but....)