21 May 2011

Time for some sleep.....after a long day

First off, our compost pile is producing squash also. I am not sure how our yard got infested by squash but it looks like we will be eating a lot of squash this summer.

Our other tomato was ready to pick today.

We went over to the Kelton's house to play this afternoon. C-Wheezy is 2 and Ellie is 9 months. Jake (9 months) and Akisha came too. Jake did not want to swim in the pool ( I think it was because it was pink.) Chuck had a good time with the girls.

The diaper brigade.....

He also enjoyed pushing the ladybug toy around in circles....

Jake and Chuck happened to have the same pajamas and of course the girls have matching ones.

Tomorrow we have a potluck dinner across the street. It is a street party that we have been doing for the past few years. There are two driveways that run side by side so it makes for a big open spot to sit chairs and tables. Everyone brings a chair and a food item and we just sit and talk. Chuck will have fun playing with Nellie ( the little girl across the street) and hopefully we can get daddy awake before it starts..... have I ever mentioned that it is nearly impossible to wake a sleeping daddy?

Until tomorrow.... this mama is tired.... and did I mention still sick!

Hello Saturday

We didn't get our walk in this morning because we had a surprise down pour. Now it is too hot and muggy. Instead we enjoyed a pancake breakfast with bananas and cherries. This child has downed about a half a bag of cherries in the past 24 hours. Chuck decided to eat his breakfast at his table while cartoons were on.

Chuck then decided to watch some Sesame Street while he rocked in his chair. He really doesn't enjoy or care about TV but for some reason today, he was especially interested. Sesame Street put him to sleep though, so maybe he didn't enjoy it too much.

We are walking more and more everyday! The director at Chuck's school said he will be moved to the next class in June or July. I think we are waiting for some toddlers to move from the one's class to the two's class so Chuck can enter the spot in the one's class.

He is going to have so much fun in there. If I think he is sleeping great now, he is going to be really tired after a day in there. They paint, play outside, and who knows what else. He will eat only daycare food and snacks once he gets in that room. One of the boys has a cast on that he has to wear for ten days. He jumped on a bean bag chair and all the other boys piled on top of him and dislocated his elbow: hasn't phased him though.

Daddy is working nights the second half of this month so Chuck and I went to the farmer's market with Akisha and the Jakeman and then out to lunch. The boys are now at an age where they can communicate. Jake is 9 months. They would beat on the table together and Jake would yell out and then Chuck would yell back and laugh. It was pretty cute. They really grabbed everyone's attention. They are such good eaters. They were eating carrots, salmon, watermelon, strawberries, sausage, and mac and cheese from the buffet while the mamas enjoyed some sushi. Yum.

We are headed over later this afternoon to have some pool time with Jake and Claire and Ellie so I am sure there are more videos and pictures to come.

20 May 2011

Fridays Rock

We have lived here three years and we have finally produced veggies! I mean a normal veggie. No more dwarf carrots... we grew a real tomato! I had sort of forgotten about them but Chuck noticed we had a red tomato and decided to pick it. I sat it in the window to get a little more red. Every time we walked in the kitchen, Chuck would point to it. Yesterday, Chuck gobbled it up for dinner.... the whole thing. We have another one that is on it's way to being red. Also, our bell pepper, squash, cucumber, and zucchini plants are starting to produce. Looks like stir fry is in everyone's future.
Chuck also gobbled up a peach... the whole thing..... that we got last weekend at the farmer's market. The peaches were delicious so it looks like we will be visiting the farmer's market again tomorrow.

It has been awfully warm so the past two days we have played in the hose after school. We have quite the set up. Not only do we have our pool out but we also have the turtle and the wagon so Chuck stays very busy going from one to the other. I sit in a chair and he goes in circles around me.... and occasionally does a random dance or sings a song for me. He waves at everyone that walk by and barks at every dog that goes by. The neighbors come over and watch him. Yesterday he played in the hose in his clothes and had a little naked time. He put on quite a show for everyone. He is also obsessed with the hose. I put it on the mist setting so he can spray things without getting squirted too hard .

This weekend Chuck and I will go get some sand for the turtle so we can use it as a sand box and not a pool.

19 May 2011

I don't like to brag...

Oh, who am I kidding.

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17 May 2011


The Mississippi Weber family is sick! Blah.... Stopped up noses, sore throats, and coughing is not the recipe for a happy family. At least it is nice enough to leave the back door open for a few hours.

15 May 2011


Chuck had fun pushing Samer in the car today. Not quite sure how this came about but it seems like they were having fun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Old Canton Rd,Jackson,United States

I love bedtime

TGIM!!! Seriously, these are the days that almost seals the deal that Chuck will be an only child. I can't handle one child. I definitely can't handle two of these. I guess I could always adopt but it would be at an age after teething has occurred. That is the only thing I can attribute the bad mood to today. Lucky for me, it didn't last all day but the two hours it did last about did me in.

Our day started off pretty normal with a nice walk and a jaunt to target to get a birthday present and a shower present. From there, everything fell apart. Nap time was a disaster. He did give me about an hour of sleep but it consisted of standing up and screaming every ten minutes. When nap time was over, he refused lunch and decided to lay on the floor and cry for a good thirty minutes. Nothing helped. I guess sometimes it feels good to lay on the floor and roll around. I know that sometimes I feel like doing that. Finally, he agreed to sitting with me and watching Elmo. Elmo distracted us for about 10 minutes and then I was able to get some fruit cups into his tummy.

At that point, Daddy joined us and I voluntarily handed the little munchkin over. We toured the St. Jude's dream house and ran a few errands. When we got home, we had a tiny temper tantrum but then helped daddy wash the turtle sandbox.

And then it was bedtime..... have I mentioned how much I love bedtime.

Chuck is transitioning to the sippy cup. He uses the sippy cup all day and gets a bottle before he goes to bed. I can tell that when the bottle hits his lips, he enters paradise and his whole body relaxes..... That's how I feel at Chuck's bedtime. Exhale.....