15 May 2011

I love bedtime

TGIM!!! Seriously, these are the days that almost seals the deal that Chuck will be an only child. I can't handle one child. I definitely can't handle two of these. I guess I could always adopt but it would be at an age after teething has occurred. That is the only thing I can attribute the bad mood to today. Lucky for me, it didn't last all day but the two hours it did last about did me in.

Our day started off pretty normal with a nice walk and a jaunt to target to get a birthday present and a shower present. From there, everything fell apart. Nap time was a disaster. He did give me about an hour of sleep but it consisted of standing up and screaming every ten minutes. When nap time was over, he refused lunch and decided to lay on the floor and cry for a good thirty minutes. Nothing helped. I guess sometimes it feels good to lay on the floor and roll around. I know that sometimes I feel like doing that. Finally, he agreed to sitting with me and watching Elmo. Elmo distracted us for about 10 minutes and then I was able to get some fruit cups into his tummy.

At that point, Daddy joined us and I voluntarily handed the little munchkin over. We toured the St. Jude's dream house and ran a few errands. When we got home, we had a tiny temper tantrum but then helped daddy wash the turtle sandbox.

And then it was bedtime..... have I mentioned how much I love bedtime.

Chuck is transitioning to the sippy cup. He uses the sippy cup all day and gets a bottle before he goes to bed. I can tell that when the bottle hits his lips, he enters paradise and his whole body relaxes..... That's how I feel at Chuck's bedtime. Exhale.....

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