20 May 2011

Fridays Rock

We have lived here three years and we have finally produced veggies! I mean a normal veggie. No more dwarf carrots... we grew a real tomato! I had sort of forgotten about them but Chuck noticed we had a red tomato and decided to pick it. I sat it in the window to get a little more red. Every time we walked in the kitchen, Chuck would point to it. Yesterday, Chuck gobbled it up for dinner.... the whole thing. We have another one that is on it's way to being red. Also, our bell pepper, squash, cucumber, and zucchini plants are starting to produce. Looks like stir fry is in everyone's future.
Chuck also gobbled up a peach... the whole thing..... that we got last weekend at the farmer's market. The peaches were delicious so it looks like we will be visiting the farmer's market again tomorrow.

It has been awfully warm so the past two days we have played in the hose after school. We have quite the set up. Not only do we have our pool out but we also have the turtle and the wagon so Chuck stays very busy going from one to the other. I sit in a chair and he goes in circles around me.... and occasionally does a random dance or sings a song for me. He waves at everyone that walk by and barks at every dog that goes by. The neighbors come over and watch him. Yesterday he played in the hose in his clothes and had a little naked time. He put on quite a show for everyone. He is also obsessed with the hose. I put it on the mist setting so he can spray things without getting squirted too hard .

This weekend Chuck and I will go get some sand for the turtle so we can use it as a sand box and not a pool.

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