23 February 2013

Happy Saturday

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Birth weight 6lbs 6oz
Length 20 inches

2 month weight 11lbs 11oz
2 month length 22.5 in

Birth weight 8lbs 6oz
Length 19.5 inches

2 month weight 14lbs 11oz
2 month length 22.5 in

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22 February 2013


I feel like I hibernated last night. Smith woke two times instead of the usual 5 times (no exaggeration). I hate to say it but I kind of like shots even though yesterday was quite crazy and I'm cleaning up the aftermath today!

I hope this is a turning point on the whole sleep/eating that has been going on!

Smith is feeling better today.

Dr. got home this morning and we had Eggs Benedict with these cool poaching cups I found at the store! Yum!

While Smith has been eating less and sleeping more I have had time to stock the freezer. It sounds crazy but this is what I live for these days. It's like a big challenge and I want to be successful. Oh how your life changes when you're a mom! I used to be concerned with my fridge being stocked with beer and now I am obsessed with my freezer being stocked with milk. I have enough for five bottles! That's almost a whole day if your feeding a normal baby. It's just a morning for us!

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21 February 2013


Smith had his shots this morning. Chuck had no problem with shots but Smith is cranky, running a fever, and freaks out if I put him down. The only good thing is he is not eating so I'm getting to stock the freezer with a few bottles.

I may get a lot of sleep if Smith isn't wanting to eat or I may not get any if he is still feverish and feeling yucky. A girl can hope can't she?

and here is a picture of my Nacho Libres. I know. I'm very lucky.

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Short and Fat

Smith got his 2 month shots today.

Stats: 14lbs 11oz (91%) and 22.5 (28%)

The doctor said he is going to be careful next time he tells a mother that the baby need to gain weight.

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19 February 2013

Birth days

Happy birthday Dr. !!!! I have much appreciation for the birth mother as I now know how hard and special that day was!

I told Dr. I was going to take him out to eat. Luckily the rest of the fam was able to come down and surprise him! We had a great lunch and stuffed our faces. Smith was great until the food came..... Typical. I think everyone enjoyed their time trying to occupy Smith while we finished eating.

Afterwards we went back and made sure everyone got a quick baby fix.

We waited for Chuck to get home and opened presents.

And ate cupcakes from the local "cupcakery". Chuck requested a blue one.

We also had a little time to play and read 3D books before everyone left.

Then all hell broke loose. Chuck fell off the slide and hurt his arm which means he cried.... Which made Smith cry. Smith crying made Chuck cry more so Smith cried more. It was just a typical afternoon in my books. I'm pretty sure I saw Dr. cry too.

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18 February 2013

First Bottle

Dr. Gave Smith his first bottle today!

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17 February 2013

Mustache Bash

We went to the Mustache Bash today. We had fun meeting people and hanging out with the people we have already come to know. Dr. already has a stache and Chuck was refusing one. Smith has a mustache paci but it is a little heavy for him. I had to man up and wear the stache.

Daddy got back late last night (or early this morning) so the boys and I slept in until 8. We watched a little TV in bed and then got up and had pancakes.

Smith sported some monogramming today. This is a mighty strong monogram. Very manly initials I think.

Dr. called our son obese today. He is 14.7 pounds and has his 2 month check up on Thursday. I need to look up Chuck's stats at two months.

Chuck wore this red outfit on his first day of daycare. He was about 4 months. Smith wore it today. He popped a snap while wearing it if that tells you anything about size. Oh, and he thought it was time to eat so he is not happy!

This is Chuck. I was trying to get a picture of his Mohawk that just occurs. We don't make it happen. It just happens... Everyday. I think the school questioned us at first but has laid off since the hair really does have a mind of its own.

Boys will be boys. Chuck helps me run the dishwasher. Today he just couldn't help himself. He reeeeally wanted to pop the soap pod we use in the dishwasher. After taking about 5 minutes to put the pod in the washer and continuously poking it, I asked Chuck if he wanted to bust it. I gave him a pod and told him to go outside and "just don't touch your eyes". I figured it was a learning experience. Curiosity got the best of him. I thought it was funny how he put it in the back if a pick up. He popped it. It was neat for 5 seconds and he was over it. At least he is not left wondering!

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Happy Sunday

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