19 February 2013

Birth days

Happy birthday Dr. !!!! I have much appreciation for the birth mother as I now know how hard and special that day was!

I told Dr. I was going to take him out to eat. Luckily the rest of the fam was able to come down and surprise him! We had a great lunch and stuffed our faces. Smith was great until the food came..... Typical. I think everyone enjoyed their time trying to occupy Smith while we finished eating.

Afterwards we went back and made sure everyone got a quick baby fix.

We waited for Chuck to get home and opened presents.

And ate cupcakes from the local "cupcakery". Chuck requested a blue one.

We also had a little time to play and read 3D books before everyone left.

Then all hell broke loose. Chuck fell off the slide and hurt his arm which means he cried.... Which made Smith cry. Smith crying made Chuck cry more so Smith cried more. It was just a typical afternoon in my books. I'm pretty sure I saw Dr. cry too.

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