18 December 2010

Waiting for Santa

This evening Chuck and I worked on wrapping all the remaining Christmas presents. We also had to prepare for Santa since we are expecting him tonight. Today, I learned that Chuck is not a good person to help wrap presents because he actually unwraps them instead. He also wasn't the best person to help put out the cookies for Santa because he ate them.

Please disregard our half lit tree. ( I didn't include the top in the picture because it has no lights). We are just trying to make it through residency with this tree and then we will buy real trees while the kiddos are young. Now that I look at it, it may be a little crooked to.


We have such wonderful friends here!!! Our friends, Jason and Akisha, offered to play with Chuck while I went shopping today. It eased my mind not having Chuck in the car while I was in all the traffic finishing up my shopping. I took Chuck over to their house so he could play with their baby, Jake, who is 4 months old. Baby Jake slept the whole time but from what I hear, Chuck enjoyed chasing the dog around the house. Chuck fell asleep on me as soon as I walked in the door.

Akisha also wanted to practice with one of her lenses so she used the Chuckman as her model. I am surprised she got any pictures because he moves so much. I was given a very good report when I got back.

We are going to miss our besties when they move in June. At first, we thought they would be going to Dallas, which would be great if we end up in Hot Springs, but now it looks like they might be headed back home to Georgia. I guess Jackson, MS will be the halfway point for future playdates!

Here are some pictures of our crazy little guy!

If Your Happy and You Know It

Clap your hands! The Chuckster surprises mama everyday with something new!

17 December 2010

Chill + Relax = Chillax

Yep, it is officially Christmas Break and I just realized how busy it is going to be! I am looking forward to December 29th when I can sit down and rest for a second. That will be my first day that I won't have anything to do and Chuck will be at daycare. Well, I think I might plan on cooking those last days while Chuck goes to school.

The students got out at 12 today but the teachers had to stay for professional development and we got out at 2:30. At our meeting we talked about "What great teachers do differently". Earlier in the day we had to vote on who we thought was the best teacher at the school. At the meeting she revealed the top teacher so we could talk about what they do that makes them the best. I was actually the one with the most votes! So as of today, I am the best teacher at the school. Of course, that could change day to day and I have a lot of deficits but it rebuilds my confidence and makes me feel like I am doing something right because some days I feel like I am failing as a mama, wife, and teacher. She asked everyone what makes me the best teacher and this is what they said.
1. I am able to self-reflect
2. I respect my students
3. I am a team player
4. I am organized
5. I am committed
6. I am knowledgeable.
7. I am creative
8. I share
9. I treat each child as an individual in instruction and as a person
10. and I am friendly and professional.

I also had my meeting with her about my observation. She said it was a great lesson and that I am doing an awesome job. She can see the change over the three years and how I am more confident. She has even shared some things I did in my lesson with some other people already.
We just had our first semester test. My students worked really hard and my scores were extremely high and she was super excited about it.

So it was a good ending to the semester and a good beginning to the Christmas break. Now I am exhausted and am going to sleep since Chuck is sound asleep. Tomorrow, the Chuckman and I need to finish Christmas shopping but I am a little nervous about the crowds since it is the last weekend before Christmas.

Chuck and I will be going to Mobile from Monday until Wednesday and then with Dr. to Arkansas from Friday until Monday. We will be celebrating our Christmas this Sunday since that is the only day Dr. will have off that we won't be traveling. We have told Santa and he is going to stop by a little early for Mr. Chuck.

Nighty night

15 December 2010

Squeaky Clean

Chuck loves to get his teeth brushed!

Every Day is a Big Day

Everyone in the Weber household has been having a good week. This week, Chuck has had some big "firsts".

Today at daycare, Chuck pulled up for the first time. He has been working hard on it but can't seem to get his feet underneath him. He already likes to stand but has trouble getting in the standing position. He now prefers to play while standing up. I mentioned earlier that we lowered his mattress this past weekend because we knew it was coming.

Every morning when I get Chuck up, I bring him into our bed and give him his bottle. This morning, when he was finished, he sat up and looked at Dr. ( who was still asleep) and hit him on the arm a couple of times and said "Da...............Da". All of a sudden Dr. just sat up and looked at him and then Chuck said it again. It takes me forever to wake Dr. up and Chuck says one thing and he is up...... ok, I lose! So we are adding DaDa to the things that Chuck has said. He has said Up, Mama, Baby, Baba, and Dada. I am not sure yet if I am counting any of these as his first word because I am doubting that he actually knows what is going on. Maybe so.

Chuck is also officially feeding himself finger food. He gets upset if you eat in front of him and don't offer him anything. He LOVES to eat finger food. We have just eaten fruit puffs, tomato puffs, yogurt melts and bananas. When I get out of school, I will have some time to go to the store and get some frozen veggies that I am going to start steaming and we will have those for meals too. He is still a vegetarian. All this crawling has slimmed him down some too.

We also brushed our teeth for the first time this week.

What makes you think this child is spoiled?
This is our playroom... I mean family room.

I love my yogurt melts but sometimes I miss my mouth!

13 December 2010

Deck the Halls

Or bushes really. Dr. worked hard this weekend making our house look festive.

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