30 November 2012

Christmas Lights

Since Dr. had the night off, we drove through a Christmas display.  It is about 2 miles from our house and is a mile long.  We drove through and had a blast.  Of course it wouldn't have been fun without a two year old.  If the two year old hadn't have been so amazed with all the lights it would not have been worth the money.  It was nice to be able to stay in the car.  We may go back on the 13th where we can walk through for only $1. Chuck didn't want to go home so we drove around our neighborhood.  Our neighborhood is called Hollytree but our next door neighbors call it Hollyday Hell!  Hahaha.

Dr. has to work all weekend so looks like we are on our own again.  Chuck has asked to go to the zoo tomorrow.  So we will try and take a nice stroll in this 75 degree weather and try not to go into labor!  I have no idea what we are going to do on Sunday but at this point I think I need to take it one day at a time!

Wish us luck at the zoo and pray that this baby stays in at least until daddy gets home Sunday night!

29 November 2012

It's go time

We had our doctor appt today. We are now a little over 35 weeks. I am dilated at 1cm and Smith is definitely head down (and has been since the beginning). Our next appt is next Thursday to see if we are progressing any. Dr. and I both give it two weeks and them we think we will have a baby. Although not swelling, I'm starting to feel puffy and feel my immune system kind of declining just like last pregnancy.

Dr. was off today so even though it was 70 degrees, he came home from the doctor appt and turned on the fire, he has been dying to sit in front of the fire. We got take out and ate in front of the fire. It was very peaceful except for a few kicks and punches from Smith!

Sorry for no pictures. I still haven't had time to sit down and look into making room for pictures.

Stay tuned. I will keep you updated on the progress and arrival of Smith.

28 November 2012

Waiting for Brother

Last night I was fixing dinner, Dr. was watching TV, Chuck was immersed in his baskets of toys. Randomly, Chuck stood up and kind of leaned on a chair and said (just like he asks for a cup of juice) "Mom, I'm ready for my brother to come out."

It was the sweetest thing! It was like he was bored and was looking for something to do!

26 November 2012

Normal Day

Today was the first normal day that this family has had in a long time... If ever! Dr. worked last night and came home after being away 5 days! He got to sleep while Chuck was at school. When Chuck got home, he immediately told his daddy that it was morning time and time to get up!

Chuck loves to play in the front yard. He highly prefers it to the back yard for some reason. So he insisted we play in the front today. While he ran around, Dr. and I decided that the blowup craziness on our street could be outdone. Everyone in the neighborhood has lights put on their house too, which I secretly admire. Since we aren't to the point where we can fork out money for such things, we decided to put lights on all our bushes. We will be the only house with bushes done while all other houses have roof lines and driveways done! We had tons of lights that apparently have moved with us from Hot Springs to Jackson and now here! ) I would post a picture but apparently I have reached the total number of pictures. Now I have to figure out how to add more room so that my blog will accept pictures again.)

Anyway, after some light decorations (and get this, our house has plugs specifically for Christmas lights and they are on timers! And this whole time I thought that darn ticking box was the sprinkler system!) I went inside and cooked dinner ( with all the doors wide open) and Chuck and his daddy had an intense pirate sword fight. It was perfect weather with cats, kids, and husbands running in and out of the house and continuos laughter. The smell of dinner was filling the kitchen (do I have to mention that nobody ended up wanting to eat! Chicken breasts, rice.... What gives!) I did have to pause a minute and let it sink in because this was the first time life had felt (and sounded) like it "should".

Boards are over, meetings with our financial planners are over. We have reached a point where we feel settled and we can just live! Today also marks the day that our last credit card bill is paid off! After living in Hot Springs for almost a year on credit cards and no income, its nice to be debt free (except student loans, house, and car!).

So today was a good day! Dr. came home and I decided to do absolutely nothing while Chuck was at school. Fabulous idea since I had been experiencing some pain and uncomfortableness. After lying on the couch today and resting, I haven't felt a single pain or strain! I have a hair appointment tomorrow ( a little pampering never hurts!) and a doctor appointment on Thursday!

Hopefully next time I will be able to post pictures!