29 June 2011


He ate a whole slice of cantaloupe, a ring of pineapple, a thing of yogurt, a thing of apple sauce, half of a protein link ( fake hotdog for vegetarians), Dr's mashed potatoes, and Dr's corn. I am officially waiting for him to puke while he is crying himself to sleep. Oh, and about 5 baby carrots. So in other words, I am going to have to go grocery shopping tomorrow.

After the Chuckman gets finished eating, the cutest thing ever happens! When he doesn't want anymore, he gets up out of his chair and carries his plate to the trashcan and throws it away. That is what they have taught him to do at daycare so he has started doing it here. And yes, after he turns around and walks away, I do have to dig our plates and utensils out of the garbage. It is so worth it though to see this 1 year old clean his spot when he is done eating. May be the most precious thing I have seen.

Boys will be boys

The Chuckman loves his new toddler crayons. The are meant to perfectly fit in his hand when he grasps it. We have also gotten some fabulous work from school.

This is what my child does on a daily basis. In this particular video, he is standing in a chair, looking at the TV and swinging a golf club. Yep, all boy.

And now a duet:

Now for some updates: Dr.'s month from hell is almost over. One more shift tomorrow. His July and August will look like a normal human beings ( we think). He will probably be working 9-5 and weekends off. He has also received his permanent medical license and can begin moonlighting in neighboring cities! ( Which means those weekends he has off, won't really be off because he will probably want to go moonlight.) Looks like we will be headed out Friday morning to Hot Springs and will return sometime on Monday. Also, our beloved Molly did decide to come home and is still enjoying terrorizing the dogs next door.

27 June 2011


Not us... Molly. I think Molly has taken it upon herself to go on vacation again. She was here when I went to bed last night and wasn't when I got up this morning. Samer has gone out for a little bit today but slept most of the day. I am hoping that Molly really is just on vacation and not hurt somewhere. I have called for her but haven't heard any meows.

It is ironic that Molly is missing at the moment because today we got this drawing/painting from our neighbor. He is the art director at the art museum here. The picture is of an orange cat and the title is "Chuck's Cat". Dr. pointed out that it is obviously Molly because it has a normal tail. Kinda weird that we got it on the day that we can't find her.

The wife of the art director is an art appraiser. In the past couple of years, this completely healthy man has had several strokes, bleeds in his brain and epilepsy. She has come over a couple of times in a panic when she thought something was wrong with him. Last night she came over in a panic because she thought he was experiencing heart failure. He says he was ok but she was nervous and pacing. I called Dr. and asked if he would go straight to their house when he got home. Dr. checked him out and made sure that his recent medicine change wasn't causing any problems. In return, our neighbor painted this sweet picture for us. Now I have to decide where to hang it up. I am thinking maybe above Dr.'s toilet in the bathroom that he shares with the Chuckman.

And now for a recital from the little dude...

When I picked up Chuck today from daycare... he cried. He wouldn't leave. His class had just gotten outside and he was having a great time practicing his stair climbing! Chuck is really picking up things everyday. Since he started signing "more", I decided I would teach him a few more signs. He is now signing eat, milk, bath, and all done. He also is saying "thank you" now but only when I tell him to say it.

Dr. has been working like crazy. Even though he had vacation this month, he is working the same number of shifts as he would in a normal month. We really have not seen him in the last 2 and a half weeks. I bought a t-shirt a Target today and some neat toddler crayons so Dr. could give them to Chuck since he hasn't spent much time with him lately. The t-shirt was a Sesame Street t-shirt. Dr. showed it to Chuck and the Chuckster got so excited!!! He started laughing and grabbed the t-shirt and ran away. He ran around with that shirt like it was a blanket for a long time. He is sleeping in it right now. Dr. has a day off so I will make sure I get a picture of when Dr. gives Chuck the crayons and them drawing together.

26 June 2011

Weekends Rock but Goodbyes Don't

Chuck and I had a good day today. Some pictures of our day....

A little snack and Sesame Street after our nap:

Our last pool date with Jake before he leaves Tuesday morning:

Busy washing cars:

And a little goodbye picnic with our best buddy:

Looks like a trip to Savannah is on our agenda for some time in the next year. I am glad I am working this year so that I won't have to think about all my friends that have left me and gone on to their real lives. Love you guys!