13 April 2010

Itty Bitty Accomplishments

The mama of an itty bitty had some itty bitty accomplishments today. Today, I showered, dried my hair, and put on makeup! We had been to the post office, the bank, and to get mom a sandwich all before noon! Usually, we don't get out of bed until 10 ( after waking up every couple of hours). We also cut and edged the grass.... Well ok, itty bitty and I cheated on that part. We paid someone to do the grass.... which is not how we usually jive. Dr. is on a spur of the moment drive to Texarkana and won't be back in time to cut the grass before he goes to work.... and when he is done working it will be about a week from now....my neighbors would kill me. So I decided to splurge and let Dr. off the hook by flashing some moola in front of the guy that was doing the yard two houses over..... I am sure my neighbors will be so ecstatic that they would have even paid him to do our yard. Heck, I just asked if he could cut the weeds down that are sprouting up in our dead grass, but he went to town...... he eadged and blew the debris out of our yard.... don't tell Dr. but I might have to do this every once in a while just to keep the edging looking good..... can't seem to convince Dr. the yard is worth edging.

I also took some videos of Chucksters new belly button and some other dumb videos but have no idea how to put them on the computer.... hmmm..... must wait to talk to Chuck's daddy...

until then.... I may go and try to wash the sap off my car.... some guy yesterday asked me why it looked like my car was crying.... yup, that bad.

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