21 October 2012

Daddy love

Daddy sure does love his boys and their mommy. He bought us a car!

Our (as in chuck's, because truly everything belongs to him) car was close to 10 years old. It has been a wonderful car. It was starting to show its age and was making daddy nervous every time we set out on a little trip. (Luckily we don't go too far, seeing as though the grocery store and the school are right across the street!)

We had a good idea of what we wanted. We wanted the interior to be a lot like a minivan (with three rows and bucket seats in the second). We knew we needed it to be built in a car frame or I would most likely kill someone.

They are making "crossover"vehicles now which are minivans on the inside and SUVs on the outside. I say party on the outside, business on the inside. We ended up going with the Buick (I know right, who would have thunk it!). It is the Buick Enclave with all the bells and whistles like DVD (for carsickness and of course entertainment) and the navigation system (so I don't have to drive around looking at the map on my phone), and the Bluetooth (so mom doesn't talk on the phone while driving). It also has the back up camera and I think blind spot indicators.

It has everything we need for these two boys! Drew has driven it but I have no idea where to go do I haven't driven it yet! We will show it off in the carpool line though!

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