07 April 2011


This was my morning... and all before 6 am ever rolled around..... When Chuck got up (early) this morning, I was not ready. He didn't want to sit in the highchair so I let him play on the floor while I ironed, put my makeup on, and packed the car. Usually he has to be in the same room as I am. This morning, he took it upon himself to go to the kitchen and rearrange the pantry.

Apparently, he can also climb up things. He climbed all the way up this stool ( with a toy in each hand, mind you).

By the time he got to the top, I knew that he would pitch a fit if he had to get down. I decided what the h%ll, a little romp in the sink won't kill anyone. So he played in the water in the sink for a while. ( Did you notice it was dark outside in the pictures? Yup, just reminding you that this was all before 6 am.)
The weekend is ahead. Dr. is working the rest of the weekends. Look like the little guy and I may be in Mobile for Easter so we won't just be sitting around by ourselves. I may venture to Mobile for a little overnight stay this weekend. Who knows.

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