18 September 2011

No naps = no fun

Mr. Grumpy has been stationed at our house lately. It all started two weeks ago when Chuck was petting a dog and I thought it was going to snap at him. I pulled him away. He started crying because he wanted to play with the doggie. Ever since then he has been seeking revenge. It has been constant whining in our house. I am about to go crazy. Friday we got home from school and he was just extra whiny. Of course my day was bad ( have I mentioned I hate my students this year) and Chuck just kept going and going. He wanted me to pick him up but wanted to get down all at the same time. Ugh. I just went in the kitchen and sat on the floor and cried. Chuck came in and gave me a hug and laid his head on my shoulder for a good 3 minutes. It was just all too much for me. I composed myself and continued dealing with Chucks whining. Later, he didn't want to go to bed and I just burst out crying while I was rocking him. I think it scared him and made him sad so we were both just rocking and sobbing together. At least we are there for each other! HA.

The little tyke is fighting naps on the weekends. He has been such a good napper up until now. He refused to nap today. In fact, I got his entire nap on tape today. This is how long his nap was today....

Also, Laney drew us a picture. She refers to Chuck screaming. Fortunately, when he is at Granna and Bob Bob's, the screaming is not crying. His screaming when he is in Mobile is more of a explosion of joy. Not sure why we are frowning in the picture. Maybe Laney knows how we have felt lately!

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