15 January 2010

Baby Chuck's Room

Well! The crib has been put together! We did not like how the room was set up. It seemed too crowded where everything was. Just looked like we had squeezed furniture in the room so tonight we rearranged the furniture to make it look more like a baby's room and not like a guest room. There was no open floor space but now there is!

This is when you walk into the room from the hall. Notice the picture to the right is Grandpa Weber's drawing of a maternity ward with a sign "boy wanted" hanging outside. You can also see Molly has taken over the big bed and Samer is behind the curtain eating leaves from a plant that we were trying to keep alive and out of the cold.

This is a better shot of Granpa Weber's drawing. If you could see through the wall where the drawing is, you would see into the closet. ( Glad you can't though!) The big bed and bedside table are to the right when you walk in the room. All we did was flip them so we could get more floor space and be able to have easier access to diapers and wipes.

And again, Molly with sock monkey

Baby Chuck's bed with the angel that will look over him as he sleeps ( and making sure he does not climb out of his bed!)

Chuck's bed ( thanks again Marmee and Poppy) Bedding will be part of another post. I couldn't decide on what bedding I wanted but now that I have the bed, I know exactly what bedding I want.

This is just the space between the crib and the dresser. Just a little more floor space. Ahhhhh

The dresser and the sign MK bought for Chuck and his Daddy.

And now finally we have made it around the room and headed back out into the hall.

So after putting each piece of furniture in every place possible ... and after about 2 hours.... we got the room perfect!!!!

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