17 September 2009

doctors visit

so yesterday was our first appointment. mom went with me because we didn't know when dr. was going to make it. i have to have someone go with me because it calms me a little and we all know i am a fainter. i thought i was going to get my blood drawn yesterday. so everything went well. first the took my blood pressure but it was quite high (141). then we went to get the sonogram. i am 10 weeks and the baby is seriously the size of a lego man.... he is 3cm long. we could see his little fingers up by his face and it looked like he was sucking his thumb. he looks like he has a big brain too. anyway, i was just sitting there admiring his big head and all of a sudden he satarting rocking back and forth. i had no idea he could move! i asked her if she was moving the wand around. she said no and that it was the baby moving! then all of a sudden he rolled over on his side for about 5 seconds and then got back on his back! shocked me. i just had no idea that was going to happen! so then we went and talked to the doctor and she was soooo sweet and nice. she said everything looked good except my blood pressure was too high. she took me in the exam room for my exam and said we could take my blood pressure and then get my flu shot because i must have just been nervous. i told her that i was still nervous because i didn't want the shot. she went ahead and gave me the shot and then we all chilled for about 10 minutes for my pressure to go down. so we took it again and it was down to 120. so no hypertension for me.

so yes we are 10 weeks, and we are due april 14th. that means my 6 weeks of maternity leave will come to the end of school. i will get a massive summer break..... although i am assuming it will be quite tiring!

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