17 September 2009


well, i started freaking out last week about who was going to take care of the baby while we are at work. i have tried to gather daycare info but can you believe that i have only come up with one! the one i have found is a methodist church downtown. we are having to look for very specific daycares. we need one that opens by 7 ( i have to be at school no later than 7:20) and we need the daycare to accept babies atleast by 12 weeks. we lucked out. this church has a preschool and they do have an infant room. they take babies at 8 weeks. they are open from 7:00 to 6:00pm. perfect for us! there are only 5 babies to a room with two teachers. sounds good!

here is the catch.....it is the most popular daycare so there is a waiting list. the lady asked me how old my child was and i pointed to my stomach. i laughed and she said " people come in and get on the waiting list before they are pregnant". what...... excuse me? so you have to put a $150 deposit down to get on the waiting list. non refundable.... and you have no idea how long the list is though. you can not get on the waiting list until you take a tour. ( the director was not there, so unfortunately we couldn't take a tour). i tried to give them my 150 and go ahead and get on the waiting list but the lady would not take my bribe. this would just be sooo convinient. tours are only given from 10-2. that is just bad luck for me..... my next day off is thanksgiving! i must get my baby into this daycare. so do i really send dr. on a tour just so we can get on the waiting list. i am just thinking how funny it would be for dr. to go on the tour.... i mean he doesn't know anything about babies or education..... but you gotta do what you gotta do.

now i don't know if any of you have really been in the daycare loop lately but um..... can we say expensive!!!! dr. had a stroke last night when i told him that it will cost $9,000 a year to send our baby to this daycare. yes, that is right $165 a week! dr.'s response was "so do they use really expensive diapers or something". my response was "we have to provide our own diapers!" hahhahahah...... so funny! he really thought the daycare would buy the diapers they use! wouldn't that be nice!!! my dads response to that was that his first year at auburn cost half of that!

wowsers, so all this hype about "raising an infant isn't that expensive" is sooooo not true! someone was lying. i probably read that off the internet and unfortunately i believe everything the internet says!

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