05 April 2010

Audiologist Visit

So today, Dr. and I ventured to the audiologist with Chuck. He had not passed his hearing screening with both ears at the same time ( they passed, just at different times). We had to go get further testing today. His right ear passed the test but left ear did not. We still think it may be amniotic fluid in his eustachian tubes. We will go back in a month to get the left ear tested again. If he fails again, we will visit an ENT to see if it is fluid in the ears or if it is something that has to do with the brain. It is kind of odd that the whole pregnancy the only thing I was worried about was his ears. I couldn't stop thinking about the development of his ears. Weird, I know.

Also, I have decided that the date I will go back to work is May 10th. I will probably be crying my little head off but for that first week I go back, Dr. will be at home with Chuck and we may have Marmee come stay with them ( if she agrees to it..... Chuck loves his Marmee...... and did I mention Samer does to.) I will go back to work for four weeks and then it will be summer vacation! Our hopes are that the grandparents will be able to flip flop weeks so that Chuck is under the best care possible while Mommy and Daddy try to make a living and support him.

Just a little update, I am being beckoned by a hungry infant. We are on a schedule now. (Thank you Marmee) We are eating at 10, 2 and 6. Last night we woke up at 2 to eat but wouldn't go back down until 4 ( makes for a tired mommy) but I think it may have been gas pains ( the baby, not me :) I am hoping I don't have to cut back on milk or anything like that since I don't think I could live without it! But I would for Baby Chuck. OK, off to feed.

Keep Chuck's left ear in you prayers in hopes that it is fluid and not something permanent in his brain. We are confident that our little angel will pass in a month!

Love to all and I hope everyone had a fabulous Easter,
ME ( Dr. and Chuck)


The Soups said...

Are you taking extra iron right now? After both deliveries, I was anemic and was prescribed extra iron plus the iron in my prenatal vitamin.
I found that it bothered Miller's belly a good bit in the early days. So I quit for a couple of months. As he has gotten older he's been able to tolerate it. I am back on the prenatal vitamin (I eased back on every few days, then every other, now almost every day if I can remember!)
If you feel like you have to do an elimination diet-- try the iron first. The difference will be obvious within 3-5 days. Milk (and other foods) take longer to see a difference, so the iron is an easy one to do first.
He's awfully cute and it's hard to see them uncomfortable~

me weber said...

I am just taking my prenatals ( like you said... when I remember). The pediatrician said today to stay away from broccoli, cabbage and, cauliflower. Now I am wondering if it is even gas.... I think he just likes staying up after his 2 a.m. meal.