22 January 2010

I'm a failure.... kinda

We got to see Baby Chuck today. He weighs 3 pounds and one ounce. The sonogram lady said that his legs were long and that he was in the 78%! She also said.... oh wow, look at his pouty lips. We have some pictures we will post in a little while. We got some great profile pics and one where he is looking at us. I think this baby is going to look like his daddy! We were looking at him and he was grabbing his feet with his hands. I said "that's funny because the past two times he had his hands in his mouth." Baby Chuck immediately stuck his fingers in his mouth like he heard exactly what I said! It was pretty funny. We got her to check if Chuck was actually a Chuck and not a Chuckette and we in fact have confirmation that Chuck is a HE.

Unfortunately, I failed the glucose screening! OOPS. My body did not process the delicious sugar drink I had to drink this morning. This is an initial screening for gestational diabetes. If you are over 200, you have gestational diabetes. If you are between 140 and 200, you are at risk. I was 148. Only 15% of women actually develop diabeties.... which then means we start with changing the diet. ( not a surprise here)

So Tuesday morning, I will have to take another day off from school and be at the doctor's office at 7:00. I will not have eaten since midnight. They will take my ""fasting glucose" levels. Then I will get to drink another delicious "glucola"..... ( made my legs feel like jello, and i thought about vomiting). They will then take my blood every hour for three hours. So on Tuesday I will be sitting in a room, having my blood taken ( one of my worst fears) over and over for a total of four hours. Can't get much more fun than this! My worst nightmare has come true! I will be locked in a room, can't leave, can't eat but will be stuck by needles over and over again because of 8 points.

The doctor said that usually you can also flag gestational diabetes by the size of the baby. The baby will most likely be obese but she said at 78% he is just a healthy baby boy and that I probably don't have it. She also said that I need to make sure I am getting enough protein because that can also have some effects.... i agree, we all know that I don't really eat meat.

I know my Tuesday will be torture but at least they can flag things like this before it does any harm to the baby or to me.

The mattress and the bedding have arrived so we will send some pictures of that later today too. Well, I am off to get my hair "blonded"!

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