22 January 2010


OK, here is Charles Lowry Weber ( Chuck) at 28 weeks 2 days. He is in the 78% and weighs 3 pounds 1 ounce. He is measuring at 29 weeks 3 days ( i think). He suppossedly has long legs.... told you he was gonna be a big baby and get those tall Weber genes.

OK, this is of course his profile. That little bubble is his hand. The majority of the time he was holding onto his feet. He looks a little squeezed in there.

You really have to look hard for this one but take some time because this is my favorite!!! This is his nose and lips. Imagine they were pressed up against the camera. The white part on the far right is his nose and then as you travel left, you see his lips. So you are focusing on the whitest part. Aren't those pouty lips just adorable!

Another profile. You can see his cute little lip from here too. Apparently he has NO hair. I was a bald baby.... not sure about Dr.


Hey there! I know... it looks like a skull but it doesn't pick up the cartilage on the end of his nose and it picks up the eye sockets and not the eyeball. So he does look like a skeleton but you can really kind of see what he looks like. A mini Dr.

He wasn't as active as he was the past two times but I am not sure he has too much room. He was kicking the sonogram thing while she was moving it around.

Hey again!

His heartbeat was still strong... beating at 141.
Well, that's all for now. We got the mattress and bedding today so look for another post!

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