21 January 2010

We made it!

We are officially in our third trimester! Chuck is now the size of a chinese cabbage ( i didn't know what it was either... go ahead, google it). I am taking off tomorrow so we can go to our doctor's appointment. We will be doing the glucose test and also be seeing Chuck's progression with a sonogram. We are not doing the fancy sonogram because we will be seeing Baby Chuck in such a short time and you can't really figure out what they look like anyway. But we are excited to see how much he has changed because our last sonogram was 10 weeks ago! We will post pics as soon as we can! Pray that Baby Chuck is still as healthy and active as he has been. I know he's got legs and that they work!

I am starting to look really big. Today someone said "Wow, you are about to pop!" Ummmmm WHAT~~ My belly button isn't even all the way out yet.... he is not done cooking in there! It must be the shirts I wore yesterday and today. I am still having no real symptoms. My back is feeling better, I must have just slept wrong. Just having to put a little extra "umph" into getting out of bed and bending over but other than that, on occasion I forget I am even pregnant. Dr. may be more excited about my easy pregnancy than me! He hasn't had to deal with any complaining, sickness, or extra errands. The only way his life has changed is that he has to change the litter box, and sometimes lend me a hand to help me role over in bed.

The crib mattress ( that they lost last time!) is finally BACK in. I will go get that tomorrow. It looks like the bedding should arrive on Saturday! Baby Chuck's room will soon be ready for him to move in!

ON A TOTALLY different note. We had a sleepless night last night. Well I did... Dr. sleeps through everything. Very extreme weather.... it still shocks me every time I think of Jackson being in "tornado alley". Who would have thunk it?! Any way the ginormous tornado siren is a hop, skip, and a jump away from our bedroom. I got to listen to the siren ALL night. No tornado though. Just circulation detected.

Well, until tomorrow....... maybe be you will be lucky enough to get a bump picture tomorrow too!

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