27 June 2013

Good ol' days

Last weekend my friend from college came to visit for a few hours. Tara came from Dallas with her hubs and two little girls in tow. Our children are almost the exact same age (just a few months apart from my boys.)

The kids played in the sand box, pool, and just ran around. We sat under the fans on the back patio and just caught up. It was pleasant under the fans.

I have made a few good friends in Tyler that I can pick up and call or text at anytime of the day or night. It was so nice to sit down with a friend of almost 15 years, though. Just chatting, no judging. Felt good and relaxing. The boys and I really need to go to Dallas more often. If we didn't have Smith tagging along, Chuck and I would go all the time.

Tara's hobby is photography. I'd have to say it's a different level from my iPhone pictures :).

Here are some pictures Tara got. The only picture I got was my naked son sitting in a dump truck that was filled up with water.  I am going to pass on that picture and show you Tara's instead!

Chuck gave Mary Doran a cape and mask. I was pleasantly surprised when she was totally cool with the whole superhero thing! I had told Chuck that not everyone likes to play superhero. I think Mary Doran is a keeper.

Check out Tara's blog and some more pictures at Casagrove.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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