15 January 2013

Holy Moly

Lets just say that once I had Chuck I wasn't sure I was cut out for being a mom like I once thought I was. With two, it is just reinforcing all that all over again!

I would have gotten my tubes tied on Monday if there was an appointment!

I did figure out after the past two nights that actually cooking dinner is not doable with two kids. The meat was on the grill, Smith was crying and I was trying to get Chuck on the potty and in the bath. So I have learned that if I don't have help, dinner will be take out or crock potted.

The other night Smith stayed up from midnight until about 5 and then Chuck woke up at 7. This would have been just fine except it was a weekend. By the middle if the afternoon I had fallen asleep
On the couch. Luckily after just five minutes Chuck smacked me in the head with his soccer ball and woke me up.

Needless to say, Smith and I are napping during the day while Chuck is at school sooooo, no we don't get anything done! It has been over a month since the house has been cleaned. I am dying to vacuum but just can't find the energy or time.

This child eats 24/7. He's already over 11 pounds and almost 1 month old. I not complaining too much because I have 10 more pounds to lose before I'm back to my "pre pregnancy weight" and of course I was fat when I got pregnant because I still had Chuck's weight so will have another (about) 25 to lose.

I am looking forward to feeling like a normal human being again and maybe starting to exercise. I am holding Dr. to my tropical vacation once all the weight is gone (without kids ! Yes, babysitters will be needed!)

As crazy as this house is, Chuck is IN LOVE with his brother. I have to tell him to stop kissing him. First of all, he practically smothers and suffocates the baby and I am getting a little panicked about this flu going around.

I've been trying to keep Chuck relatively busy after school. I'm dreading this 3 day weekend coming up!

Chuck coloring his train that his teacher brought him over Christmas break.

Chuck actually built a car with a hammer and painted it. (His favorite color is green.)

Chuck working on scooping and transferring with Rice Krispies.

Chuck making green cupcakes.

Our pillsbury dough boy.

Daddy and his boys.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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