24 November 2012


This morning Chuck is playing in a tent on our bed while I scoop up last minute deals on Christmas presents online. We are going to work on ornaments today and hopefully get this house clean (all depending on one certain person's attitude).

He is playing on his leap pad computer and it was telling him all about the beach. All of a sudden I hear "I go to beach. I take my shirt off." This kid cracks me up.

Can you believe as much as I LOVE the beach my child has never been. Horrible. Looks like there may have to be a beach trip over spring break or something.

We are just hanging tight these last two days of vacation. We miss daddy and I think Chuck is getting tired of me! Yesterday he said "Mom, morrow I go to school, k?" Ha, like I'm holding him hostage and purposely not letting him go to school.

We have a doctor appointment on Thursday to start looking for weekly signs of labor. Every pain I feel I think it's the beginning! Who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if on Thursday the doctor says that it looks like there are signs the baby may be here sooner than later. If not then I am going to be one miserable pregnant lady for the next few weeks!

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