22 November 2012

Gobbled up!

Well worrying really takes it out of you.

Lunch with the neighbors was a success! Chuck chuck was just an angel. He said hi to everyone and waved at them. We took his barn and farm animals. He sat in the corner of the room singing Old McDonald and playing. He sat at the table for a little bit but entertained himself the majority of the time. The lady who
Invited us had a stuffed chicken that played the chicken dance song. He played that the entire time we ate. I didn't worry about the noise because she was the one who put it out for him to play with!

Right around dessert he started whining a bit so I turned him around in my lap, pushed his head on my shoulder and started swaying. He was gone within 2 minutes. He napped on my shoulder about 30 minutes. I then took walked him home, threw him in bed and he slept another 2 hours!

We have raised one good little dude! The only time I feared we were going to have a problem was when he irked up a knife from the table and said "look a sword" and wouldn't it it down. Also letting himself out the side door while we were eating was a little startling but I was able to corral him back in after a few minutes.

I'm not saying I wasn't stressing the whole time and did a lot of sweating trying to keep him as happy as possible! It wears a pregnant lady out! I told him I was so proud of him tonight and he said "I know. Chuck play with his toys." Such a sweetie!

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