11 August 2012

Chuck takes on the zoo

Since daddy is back at work until tomorrow night, we headed back to the zoo. When I asked Chuck what he wanted to do, he said he wanted peacocks. Then he added kangaroos. We actually didn't see either today but his animal cravings were satisfied.

It was not as hot today. In fact, when we left to come home at 11:30 it was 85. Chuck is so well behaved at the zoo. He just wanders down the paths, sings songs, and looks at the animals. He knows not to run because we need to be careful and don't want any "bo bos" on our knees. It is actually a pleasant experience and I feel like I am just taking a walk in the shade.

Today we did the other half of the zoo that we didn't get to last week. We saw Macaws, anteaters, rhinos, and the elephants, giraffes, snakes and birds. The zoo also has a petting zoo and a little play area so that Chuck could drive trucks and go through tunnels. It actually has everything the Jackson zoo does, it just seems the Tyler zoo is better taken care of.

We have been going early enough that we get to see the giraffes, rhinos and elephants up close in their cages before they are let out onto the grounds. They have a wonderful covered eating area that is a perfect place to have snack and watch the giraffes and elephants eat their breakfast.

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