15 November 2009


Ugh, I am sitting here waiting. I have 21 1/2 hours before we find out the sex of the baby! I don't know why I am so impatient. When I find out, I am just going to go home and do some school work. Hmmmm, just trying to find things to pass the time. I have cleaned the entire house, been grocery shopping, done laundry, cooked a pot of spaghetti, and am currently taking care of my sick hubby.............. yes, you heard it here first....... whatever I had, he has now. I am somewhat surprised. Usually we don't get each other's cold, except this cold spread throughout my whole class once I got it so I guess I assumed he would get it too.

Tomorrow I also get my swine flu shot! (Phew, a little stress off my shoulders.)

Well it turns out that my best friend from home is due just six weeks after me! Also, two of my good friends here are both pregnant ( one with her first and one with her third!) They are six weeks behind me and 14 weeks behind me. Sooooo I will not at all feel like I am doing this all by myself. At least I will have people to share the baby fat with me! In our wives alliance I would say there are about 13 girls that are pregnant.

On the baby fat front..... I had accepted that I was larger and fatter than I should be at this point in the pregnancy and had also accepted that I still have twins growing inside of me. But I read on the internet ( and I believe everything on there) that I have actually gained what I am supposed to at 18 weeks. ( Can you tell I am still having issues with the whole body changing thing!)

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