15 November 2009

Dr.'s new toy

Dr. has been complaining ( since I met him ) of not being able to see the TV. He likes to watch football games but when he can't see the ball it makes it pretty lame. Since Dr. had such a bad week and we had been talking about not having Christmas and just getting a TV, I decided to take him TV shopping yesterday! We decided that the 350 pound TV Kat and Ty let us have was somewhat out of date. ( Thank you though!!!! It served us well!!!!) We also thought that Baby Weber would be embarrassed to have friends over and not have a TV like everyone else's! So here is Dr.'s new toy. We were going for a 42" but Dr. talked me into a 46" ( I mean, how could I let the guy down, he has worked so hard and has earned it!) Haven't seen him this happy in a while.... i mean except when we found out we were going to have a family of three! Unfortunately the picture doesn't do it justice.

We were laughing so hard in the store because Molly uses the big TV to jump up on the bookshelves but now she has no way of doing that! She is going to be so confused!

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