07 September 2009

lego man

so i don't know if i have just really started my symptoms or what. i have slept the entire weekend and just today i started feeling week. not sick at all but i guess just extreme fatigue. i question myself if i really need to go to the bathroom enough to actually get up and go or should i just wait it out. good thing it was a three day weekend. i love four day weeks. next week will be a two day week because i am taking off september 16th for the ultrasound and blood taking (ahhhhh!!!.... still trying to deal with that!) and then we have conferences and professional development the rest of the week so no kids!!! can't beat that! we haven't gotten excited about the growing family because we just don't know for sure if anything is in there or if there is a heart beat. one of my best friends here has gotten to six weeks twice and then there ends up not being anything in there. the egg never developed. so i refused to get excited until i have proof.

and guess what...now there is proof. while i have been sleeping on the couch all day, dr. has been on call at the va hospital in the icu. since there wasn't anything going on and all the patients were asleep, he called and said he could pull the sonogram machine into the doctor's sleeping quarters and see if we could see anything. last time with the belly tool we couldn't see anything but that was 2 weeks ago. today we got proof that there is actually something there. i think it is a boy and dr. thinks it is a girl. so here are some pictures we were able to get. now remember dr. has only had a month of ob in his life so had no clue what he was doing and i was sitting there thinking about the guy i accidently saw with a tube in his throat.... remember i should never be let into a hospital. ( sorry all the pictures are turned sideways)

the above pic shows the heart beat. we were able to see it. this picture only shows the grey dot where the thingy detected the heart beat. you can see a faint little grey dot in the middle of a white looking circle.
ok i wish you could see this picture in person because if you could, you would surely be able to see the lego man that is inside my uterus. i swear i can make out the head ( the whitest white part) and then he has cute little arms coming out. just like a cute little lego man..... one hint that it is a boy!
ok this is another picture. again the pic is sideways but in this picture i think i can see his head. he would be standing on his head (from the way you are looking at it) and i think that the thing that is floating out in the black is his legs curved around..... or it could be pretending to sing into a microphone.... which is another hint this would be a boy because we all know that baby's mama has no singing ability. even though i can do a pretty good rendition of vanilla ice at karaoke night, i truly believe i am tone deaf, therefore all singing ability is from baby's daddy.

now please remember i have no medical experience... in fact i probably have the opposite of experience, i guess i would call it medical fear so the above descriptions of the pictures are totally in my freaky mind that makes things up ( ie. lego man). so enjoy and interpret them however you think is correct.

now i can get a little excited and a week and a half of waiting doesn't seem to long now. keep us and lego man in your prayers!

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