28 July 2008

last call

dr. is on call tonight.  it will be his last call in the neurosurgery icu.  on friday he will begin his rotation in ekg and chest x-ray.  august will be a slow month compared to what his july was like.  he will be the first emergency resident to ever go through this rotation.  they just added it to the schedule.

i went to the wives alliance meeting yesterday.  i got to meet about 7 other wives from all different departments.  we set dates for girls night out, the welcome party, and christmas party.  we are also going to have a bunco group and we do a lot of community service.

i spent the whole day in my classroom.   most of the teachers were there today.  i got to meet the other teacher on my team (the third teacher will be on pregnancy leave until second semester).  i explained to the other team member different things i do in my class and she was very interested and said she would like me to walk her through my centers because she might adopt the way i do it.  that is comforting that i can actually add ideas rather than take everyone else's.

when i got to school this morning, some of my borders around my bulletin boards had fallen but a little glue got them right back up.  i have unpacked most of my boxes and have arranged my desks and gotten all my centers together.  tomorrow i will work more on the centers and add some more things to the wall.   here are a few pictures of my bulletin boards.

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